AWS SDK Version 2 for .NET
API Reference

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.NET Framework 4.5
Lists your streams.

The number of streams may be too large to return from a single call to ListStreams. You can limit the number of returned streams using the Limit parameter. If you do not specify a value for the Limit parameter, Amazon Kinesis uses the default limit, which is currently 10.

You can detect if there are more streams available to list by using the HasMoreStreams flag from the returned output. If there are more streams available, you can request more streams by using the name of the last stream returned by the ListStreams request in the ExclusiveStartStreamName parameter in a subsequent request to ListStreams. The group of stream names returned by the subsequent request is then added to the list. You can continue this process until all the stream names have been collected in the list.

ListStreams has a limit of 5 transactions per second per account.

Namespace: Amazon.Kinesis
Assembly: AWSSDK.dll
Version: (assembly version)


public virtual ListStreamsResponse ListStreams(
         ListStreamsRequest request


Type: Amazon.Kinesis.Model.ListStreamsRequest

Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListStreams service method.

Return Value
Type: Amazon.Kinesis.Model.ListStreamsResponse
The response from the ListStreams service method, as returned by Kinesis.


LimitExceededException The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests exceeds the maximum number allowed (5).

Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5