AWS SDK Version 2 for .NET
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.NET Framework 4.5
Constants used for properties of type TestType.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.DeviceFarm
Assembly: AWSSDK.dll
Version: (assembly version)


public class TestType : ConstantClass

The TestType type exposes the following members


Public Method TestType(string) Default Constructor


Public Property Value System.String Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.ConstantClass.


Public Method Static Method FindValue(string) Finds the constant for the unique value.


Field Static Field APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT Amazon.DeviceFarm.TestType Constant APPIUM_JAVA_JUNIT for TestType
Field Static Field APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG Amazon.DeviceFarm.TestType Constant APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG for TestType
Field Static Field APPIUM_PYTHON Amazon.DeviceFarm.TestType Constant APPIUM_PYTHON for TestType
Field Static Field APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT Amazon.DeviceFarm.TestType Constant APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_JUNIT for TestType
Field Static Field APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG Amazon.DeviceFarm.TestType Constant APPIUM_WEB_JAVA_TESTNG for TestType
Field Static Field APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON Amazon.DeviceFarm.TestType Constant APPIUM_WEB_PYTHON for TestType
Field Static Field BUILTIN_EXPLORER Amazon.DeviceFarm.TestType Constant BUILTIN_EXPLORER for TestType
Field Static Field BUILTIN_FUZZ Amazon.DeviceFarm.TestType Constant BUILTIN_FUZZ for TestType
Field Static Field CALABASH Amazon.DeviceFarm.TestType Constant CALABASH for TestType
Field Static Field INSTRUMENTATION Amazon.DeviceFarm.TestType Constant INSTRUMENTATION for TestType
Field Static Field UIAUTOMATION Amazon.DeviceFarm.TestType Constant UIAUTOMATION for TestType
Field Static Field UIAUTOMATOR Amazon.DeviceFarm.TestType Constant UIAUTOMATOR for TestType
Field Static Field XCTEST Amazon.DeviceFarm.TestType Constant XCTEST for TestType

Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5