AWS SDK Version 2 for .NET
API Reference

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.NET Framework 3.5
Collection of helper methods for removing VM image file artifacts from Amazon S3 after an instance or volume conversion has been performed.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.EC2.Import
Assembly: AWSSDK.dll
Version: (assembly version)


public abstract class ImportCleanup : Object

The ImportCleanup type exposes the following members


Public Method Static Method DeleteImageArtifacts(AWSCredentials, RegionEndpoint, string, bool, CleanupProgressCallback) Deletes the image file artifacts associated with the specified conversion task. If the task is still active, ignoreActiveTask must be set true to enable artifact deletion, which will cause the task to fail. Use this option at your own risk.
Public Method Static Method DeleteImageArtifacts(RegionEndpoint, string, bool, CleanupProgressCallback) Deletes the image file artifacts associated with the specified conversion task. If the task is still active, ignoreActiveTask must be set true to enable artifact deletion, which will cause the task to fail. Use this option at your own risk.
Public Method Static Method DeleteImageArtifacts(IAmazonEC2, IAmazonS3, string, bool, CleanupProgressCallback) Deletes the image file artifacts associated with the specified conversion task. If the task is still active, ignoreActiveTask must be set true to enable artifact deletion, which will cause the task to fail. Use this option at your own risk.
Public Method Static Method DeleteImageArtifacts(AWSCredentials, RegionEndpoint, string, CleanupProgressCallback) Deletes the artifacts associated with an import task using a presigned url to address the manifest for the import. No check is performed to determine whether the associated conversion task is in progress.
Public Method Static Method DeleteImageArtifacts(RegionEndpoint, string, CleanupProgressCallback) Deletes the artifacts associated with an import task using a presigned url to address the manifest for the import. No check is performed to determine whether the associated conversion task is in progress.
Public Method Static Method DeleteImageArtifacts(IAmazonS3, string, CleanupProgressCallback) Deletes the artifacts associated with an import task using a presigned url to address the manifest for the import. No check is performed to determine whether the associated conversion task is in progress.
Public Method Static Method DeleteImageArtifacts(AWSCredentials, RegionEndpoint, string, string, CleanupProgressCallback) Deletes the artifacts associated with an import task using the bucket name and key prefix to the artifacts in Amazon S3. No check is performed to determine whether the associated conversion task is in progress.
Public Method Static Method DeleteImageArtifacts(RegionEndpoint, string, string, CleanupProgressCallback) Deletes the artifacts associated with an import task using the bucket name and key prefix to the artifacts in Amazon S3. No check is performed to determine whether the associated conversion task is in progress.
Public Method Static Method DeleteImageArtifacts(IAmazonS3, string, string, CleanupProgressCallback) Deletes the artifacts associated with an import task using the bucket name and key prefix to the artifacts in Amazon S3. No check is performed to determine whether the associated conversion task is in progress.

Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5