AWS SDK Version 2 for .NET
API Reference

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.NET Framework 4.5
Container for the parameters to the SendMessageBatch operation. Delivers up to ten messages to the specified queue. This is a batch version of SendMessage. The result of the send action on each message is reported individually in the response. The maximum allowed individual message size is 256 KB (262,144 bytes).

The maximum total payload size (i.e., the sum of all a batch's individual message lengths) is also 256 KB (262,144 bytes).

If the DelaySeconds parameter is not specified for an entry, the default for the queue is used.

The following list shows the characters (in Unicode) that are allowed in your message, according to the W3C XML specification. For more information, go to If you send any characters that are not included in the list, your request will be rejected.

#x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20 to #xD7FF] | [#xE000 to #xFFFD] | [#x10000 to #x10FFFF]

Because the batch request can result in a combination of successful and unsuccessful actions, you should check for batch errors even when the call returns an HTTP status code of 200. Some API actions take lists of parameters. These lists are specified using the param.n notation. Values of n are integers starting from 1. For example, a parameter list with two elements looks like this:



Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.SQS.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.dll
Version: (assembly version)


public class SendMessageBatchRequest : AmazonSQSRequest

The SendMessageBatchRequest type exposes the following members


Public Method SendMessageBatchRequest() Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available
Public Method SendMessageBatchRequest(string, List<SendMessageBatchRequestEntry>)


Public Property Entries System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.SQS.Model.SendMessageBatchRequestEntry> Gets and sets the property Entries.

A list of SendMessageBatchRequestEntry items.

Public Property QueueUrl System.String Gets and sets the property QueueUrl.

The URL of the Amazon SQS queue to take action on.


This example shows how to send messages in batch.

Batch send messages example

var client = new AmazonSQSClient();

var entry1 = new SendMessageBatchRequestEntry
  DelaySeconds = 0,
  Id = "Entry1",
  MessageAttributes = new Dictionary<string, MessageAttributeValue>
      "MyNameAttribute", new MessageAttributeValue 
        { DataType = "String", StringValue = "John Doe" }
      "MyAddressAttribute", new MessageAttributeValue 
        { DataType = "String", StringValue = "123 Main St." }
      "MyRegionAttribute", new MessageAttributeValue 
        { DataType = "String", StringValue = "Any Town, United States" }
  MessageBody = "John Doe customer information."

var entry2 = new SendMessageBatchRequestEntry
  DelaySeconds = 0,
  Id = "Entry2",
  MessageAttributes = new Dictionary<string, MessageAttributeValue>
      "MyNameAttribute", new MessageAttributeValue 
        { DataType = "String", StringValue = "Jane Doe" }
      "MyAddressAttribute", new MessageAttributeValue 
        { DataType = "String", StringValue = "456 Center Road" }
      "MyRegionAttribute", new MessageAttributeValue 
        { DataType = "String", StringValue = "Any City, United States" }
  MessageBody = "Jane Doe customer information."

var entry3 = new SendMessageBatchRequestEntry
  DelaySeconds = 0,
  Id = "Entry3",
  MessageAttributes = new Dictionary<string, MessageAttributeValue>
      "MyNameAttribute", new MessageAttributeValue 
        { DataType = "String", StringValue = "Richard Doe" }
      "MyAddressAttribute", new MessageAttributeValue 
        { DataType = "String", StringValue = "789 East Blvd." }
      "MyRegionAttribute", new MessageAttributeValue 
        { DataType = "String", StringValue = "Anywhere, United States" }
  MessageBody = "Richard Doe customer information."

var request = new SendMessageBatchRequest
  Entries = new List<SendMessageBatchRequestEntry>() { entry1, entry2, entry3 },
  QueueUrl = ""

var response = client.SendMessageBatch(request);

if (response.Successful.Count > 0)
  Console.WriteLine("Successfully sent:");

  foreach (var success in response.Successful)
    Console.WriteLine("  For ID: '" + success.Id + "':");
    Console.WriteLine("    Message ID = " + success.MessageId);
    Console.WriteLine("    MD5 of message attributes = " +
    Console.WriteLine("    MD5 of message body = " +

if (response.Failed.Count > 0)
  Console.WriteLine("Failed to be sent:");

  foreach (var fail in response.Failed)
    Console.WriteLine("  For ID '" + fail.Id + "':");
    Console.WriteLine("    Code = " + fail.Code);
    Console.WriteLine("    Message = " + fail.Message);
    Console.WriteLine("    Sender's fault? = " +

Version Information

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5

.NET for Windows Store apps:
Supported in: Windows 8.1, Windows 8

.NET for Windows Phone:
Supported in: Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8