AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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The output for the DescribeChangeSet action.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.CloudFormation.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.CloudFormation.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class DescribeChangeSetResponse : AmazonWebServiceResponse

The DescribeChangeSetResponse type exposes the following members


Public Method DescribeChangeSetResponse()


Public Property Capabilities System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String>

Gets and sets the property Capabilities.

If you execute the change set, the list of capabilities that were explicitly acknowledged when the change set was created.

Public Property Changes System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.CloudFormation.Model.Change>

Gets and sets the property Changes.

A list of Change structures that describes the resources CloudFormation changes if you execute the change set.

Public Property ChangeSetId System.String

Gets and sets the property ChangeSetId.

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the change set.

Public Property ChangeSetName System.String

Gets and sets the property ChangeSetName.

The name of the change set.

Public Property ContentLength System.Int64 Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse.
Public Property CreationTime System.DateTime

Gets and sets the property CreationTime.

The start time when the change set was created, in UTC.

Public Property Description System.String

Gets and sets the property Description.

Information about the change set.

Public Property ExecutionStatus Amazon.CloudFormation.ExecutionStatus

Gets and sets the property ExecutionStatus.

If the change set execution status is AVAILABLE, you can execute the change set. If you can't execute the change set, the status indicates why. For example, a change set might be in an UNAVAILABLE state because CloudFormation is still creating it or in an OBSOLETE state because the stack was already updated.

Public Property HttpStatusCode System.Net.HttpStatusCode Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse.
Public Property ImportExistingResources System.Boolean

Gets and sets the property ImportExistingResources.

Indicates if the change set imports resources that already exist.

This parameter can only import resources that have custom names in templates. To import resources that do not accept custom names, such as EC2 instances, use the resource import feature instead.

Public Property IncludeNestedStacks System.Boolean

Gets and sets the property IncludeNestedStacks.

Verifies if IncludeNestedStacks is set to True.

Public Property NextToken System.String

Gets and sets the property NextToken.

If the output exceeds 1 MB, a string that identifies the next page of changes. If there is no additional page, this value is null.

Public Property NotificationARNs System.Collections.Generic.List<System.String>

Gets and sets the property NotificationARNs.

The ARNs of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topics that will be associated with the stack if you execute the change set.

Public Property OnStackFailure Amazon.CloudFormation.OnStackFailure

Gets and sets the property OnStackFailure.

Determines what action will be taken if stack creation fails. When this parameter is specified, the DisableRollback parameter to the ExecuteChangeSet API operation must not be specified. This must be one of these values:

  • DELETE - Deletes the change set if the stack creation fails. This is only valid when the ChangeSetType parameter is set to CREATE. If the deletion of the stack fails, the status of the stack is DELETE_FAILED.

  • DO_NOTHING - if the stack creation fails, do nothing. This is equivalent to specifying true for the DisableRollback parameter to the ExecuteChangeSet API operation.

  • ROLLBACK - if the stack creation fails, roll back the stack. This is equivalent to specifying false for the DisableRollback parameter to the ExecuteChangeSet API operation.

Public Property Parameters System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.CloudFormation.Model.Parameter>

Gets and sets the property Parameters.

A list of Parameter structures that describes the input parameters and their values used to create the change set. For more information, see the Parameter data type.

Public Property ParentChangeSetId System.String

Gets and sets the property ParentChangeSetId.

Specifies the change set ID of the parent change set in the current nested change set hierarchy.

Public Property ResponseMetadata Amazon.Runtime.ResponseMetadata Inherited from Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceResponse.
Public Property RollbackConfiguration Amazon.CloudFormation.Model.RollbackConfiguration

Gets and sets the property RollbackConfiguration.

The rollback triggers for CloudFormation to monitor during stack creation and updating operations, and for the specified monitoring period afterwards.

Public Property RootChangeSetId System.String

Gets and sets the property RootChangeSetId.

Specifies the change set ID of the root change set in the current nested change set hierarchy.

Public Property StackId System.String

Gets and sets the property StackId.

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the stack that's associated with the change set.

Public Property StackName System.String

Gets and sets the property StackName.

The name of the stack that's associated with the change set.

Public Property Status Amazon.CloudFormation.ChangeSetStatus

Gets and sets the property Status.

The current status of the change set, such as CREATE_IN_PROGRESS, CREATE_COMPLETE, or FAILED.

Public Property StatusReason System.String

Gets and sets the property StatusReason.

A description of the change set's status. For example, if your attempt to create a change set failed, CloudFormation shows the error message.

Public Property Tags System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.CloudFormation.Model.Tag>

Gets and sets the property Tags.

If you execute the change set, the tags that will be associated with the stack.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5