AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Container for the parameters to the StartBuild operation. Starts running a build with the settings defined in the project. These setting include: how to run a build, where to get the source code, which build environment to use, which build commands to run, and where to store the build output.

You can also start a build run by overriding some of the build settings in the project. The overrides only apply for that specific start build request. The settings in the project are unaltered.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.CodeBuild.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.CodeBuild.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class StartBuildRequest : AmazonCodeBuildRequest

The StartBuildRequest type exposes the following members


Public Method StartBuildRequest()


Public Property ArtifactsOverride Amazon.CodeBuild.Model.ProjectArtifacts

Gets and sets the property ArtifactsOverride.

Build output artifact settings that override, for this build only, the latest ones already defined in the build project.

Public Property BuildspecOverride System.String

Gets and sets the property BuildspecOverride.

A buildspec file declaration that overrides the latest one defined in the build project, for this build only. The buildspec defined on the project is not changed.

If this value is set, it can be either an inline buildspec definition, the path to an alternate buildspec file relative to the value of the built-in CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR environment variable, or the path to an S3 bucket. The bucket must be in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the build project. Specify the buildspec file using its ARN (for example, arn:aws:s3:::my-codebuild-sample2/buildspec.yml). If this value is not provided or is set to an empty string, the source code must contain a buildspec file in its root directory. For more information, see Buildspec File Name and Storage Location.

Since this property allows you to change the build commands that will run in the container, you should note that an IAM principal with the ability to call this API and set this parameter can override the default settings. Moreover, we encourage that you use a trustworthy buildspec location like a file in your source repository or a Amazon S3 bucket.

Public Property BuildStatusConfigOverride Amazon.CodeBuild.Model.BuildStatusConfig

Gets and sets the property BuildStatusConfigOverride.

Contains information that defines how the build project reports the build status to the source provider. This option is only used when the source provider is GITHUB, GITHUB_ENTERPRISE, or BITBUCKET.

Public Property CacheOverride Amazon.CodeBuild.Model.ProjectCache

Gets and sets the property CacheOverride.

A ProjectCache object specified for this build that overrides the one defined in the build project.

Public Property CertificateOverride System.String

Gets and sets the property CertificateOverride.

The name of a certificate for this build that overrides the one specified in the build project.

Public Property ComputeTypeOverride Amazon.CodeBuild.ComputeType

Gets and sets the property ComputeTypeOverride.

The name of a compute type for this build that overrides the one specified in the build project.

Public Property DebugSessionEnabled System.Boolean

Gets and sets the property DebugSessionEnabled.

Specifies if session debugging is enabled for this build. For more information, see Viewing a running build in Session Manager.

Public Property EncryptionKeyOverride System.String

Gets and sets the property EncryptionKeyOverride.

The Key Management Service customer master key (CMK) that overrides the one specified in the build project. The CMK key encrypts the build output artifacts.

You can use a cross-account KMS key to encrypt the build output artifacts if your service role has permission to that key.

You can specify either the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CMK or, if available, the CMK's alias (using the format alias/).

Public Property EnvironmentTypeOverride Amazon.CodeBuild.EnvironmentType

Gets and sets the property EnvironmentTypeOverride.

A container type for this build that overrides the one specified in the build project.

Public Property EnvironmentVariablesOverride System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.CodeBuild.Model.EnvironmentVariable>

Gets and sets the property EnvironmentVariablesOverride.

A set of environment variables that overrides, for this build only, the latest ones already defined in the build project.

Public Property FleetOverride Amazon.CodeBuild.Model.ProjectFleet

Gets and sets the property FleetOverride.

A ProjectFleet object specified for this build that overrides the one defined in the build project.

Public Property GitCloneDepthOverride System.Int32

Gets and sets the property GitCloneDepthOverride.

The user-defined depth of history, with a minimum value of 0, that overrides, for this build only, any previous depth of history defined in the build project.

Public Property GitSubmodulesConfigOverride Amazon.CodeBuild.Model.GitSubmodulesConfig

Gets and sets the property GitSubmodulesConfigOverride.

Information about the Git submodules configuration for this build of an CodeBuild build project.

Public Property IdempotencyToken System.String

Gets and sets the property IdempotencyToken.

A unique, case sensitive identifier you provide to ensure the idempotency of the StartBuild request. The token is included in the StartBuild request and is valid for 5 minutes. If you repeat the StartBuild request with the same token, but change a parameter, CodeBuild returns a parameter mismatch error.

Public Property ImageOverride System.String

Gets and sets the property ImageOverride.

The name of an image for this build that overrides the one specified in the build project.

Public Property ImagePullCredentialsTypeOverride Amazon.CodeBuild.ImagePullCredentialsType

Gets and sets the property ImagePullCredentialsTypeOverride.

The type of credentials CodeBuild uses to pull images in your build. There are two valid values:


Specifies that CodeBuild uses its own credentials. This requires that you modify your ECR repository policy to trust CodeBuild's service principal.


Specifies that CodeBuild uses your build project's service role.

When using a cross-account or private registry image, you must use SERVICE_ROLE credentials. When using an CodeBuild curated image, you must use CODEBUILD credentials.

Public Property InsecureSslOverride System.Boolean

Gets and sets the property InsecureSslOverride.

Enable this flag to override the insecure SSL setting that is specified in the build project. The insecure SSL setting determines whether to ignore SSL warnings while connecting to the project source code. This override applies only if the build's source is GitHub Enterprise.

Public Property LogsConfigOverride Amazon.CodeBuild.Model.LogsConfig

Gets and sets the property LogsConfigOverride.

Log settings for this build that override the log settings defined in the build project.

Public Property PrivilegedModeOverride System.Boolean

Gets and sets the property PrivilegedModeOverride.

Enable this flag to override privileged mode in the build project.

Public Property ProjectName System.String

Gets and sets the property ProjectName.

The name of the CodeBuild build project to start running a build.

Public Property QueuedTimeoutInMinutesOverride System.Int32

Gets and sets the property QueuedTimeoutInMinutesOverride.

The number of minutes a build is allowed to be queued before it times out.

Public Property RegistryCredentialOverride Amazon.CodeBuild.Model.RegistryCredential

Gets and sets the property RegistryCredentialOverride.

The credentials for access to a private registry.

Public Property ReportBuildStatusOverride System.Boolean

Gets and sets the property ReportBuildStatusOverride.

Set to true to report to your source provider the status of a build's start and completion. If you use this option with a source provider other than GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, or Bitbucket, an invalidInputException is thrown.

To be able to report the build status to the source provider, the user associated with the source provider must have write access to the repo. If the user does not have write access, the build status cannot be updated. For more information, see Source provider access in the CodeBuild User Guide.

The status of a build triggered by a webhook is always reported to your source provider.

Public Property SecondaryArtifactsOverride System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.CodeBuild.Model.ProjectArtifacts>

Gets and sets the property SecondaryArtifactsOverride.

An array of ProjectArtifacts objects.

Public Property SecondarySourcesOverride System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.CodeBuild.Model.ProjectSource>

Gets and sets the property SecondarySourcesOverride.

An array of ProjectSource objects.

Public Property SecondarySourcesVersionOverride System.Collections.Generic.List<Amazon.CodeBuild.Model.ProjectSourceVersion>

Gets and sets the property SecondarySourcesVersionOverride.

An array of ProjectSourceVersion objects that specify one or more versions of the project's secondary sources to be used for this build only.

Public Property ServiceRoleOverride System.String

Gets and sets the property ServiceRoleOverride.

The name of a service role for this build that overrides the one specified in the build project.

Public Property SourceAuthOverride Amazon.CodeBuild.Model.SourceAuth

Gets and sets the property SourceAuthOverride.

An authorization type for this build that overrides the one defined in the build project. This override applies only if the build project's source is BitBucket, GitHub, GitLab, or GitLab Self Managed.

Public Property SourceLocationOverride System.String

Gets and sets the property SourceLocationOverride.

A location that overrides, for this build, the source location for the one defined in the build project.

Public Property SourceTypeOverride Amazon.CodeBuild.SourceType

Gets and sets the property SourceTypeOverride.

A source input type, for this build, that overrides the source input defined in the build project.

Public Property SourceVersion System.String

Gets and sets the property SourceVersion.

The version of the build input to be built, for this build only. If not specified, the latest version is used. If specified, the contents depends on the source provider:


The commit ID, branch, or Git tag to use.


The commit ID, pull request ID, branch name, or tag name that corresponds to the version of the source code you want to build. If a pull request ID is specified, it must use the format pr/pull-request-ID (for example pr/25). If a branch name is specified, the branch's HEAD commit ID is used. If not specified, the default branch's HEAD commit ID is used.


The commit ID, branch, or Git tag to use.


The commit ID, branch name, or tag name that corresponds to the version of the source code you want to build. If a branch name is specified, the branch's HEAD commit ID is used. If not specified, the default branch's HEAD commit ID is used.

Amazon S3

The version ID of the object that represents the build input ZIP file to use.

If sourceVersion is specified at the project level, then this sourceVersion (at the build level) takes precedence.

For more information, see Source Version Sample with CodeBuild in the CodeBuild User Guide.

Public Property TimeoutInMinutesOverride System.Int32

Gets and sets the property TimeoutInMinutesOverride.

The number of build timeout minutes, from 5 to 2160 (36 hours), that overrides, for this build only, the latest setting already defined in the build project.

Version Information

Supported in: 8.0 and newer, Core 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5 and newer, 3.5