AWS SDK for .NET Documentation
DescribeInstanceStatusRequest Class
AmazonAmazon.EC2.ModelDescribeInstanceStatusRequest Did this page help you?   Yes   No    Tell us about it...
Container for the parameters to the DescribeInstanceStatus operation.

Describes the status of one or more instances, including any scheduled events.

Instance status has two main components:

Instance status provides information about four types of scheduled events for an instance that may require your attention:

When your instance is retired, it will either be terminated (if its root device type is the instance-store) or stopped (if its root device type is an EBS volume). Instances stopped due to retirement will not be restarted, but you can do so manually. You can also avoid retirement of EBS-backed instances by manually restarting your instance when its event code is instance-retirement . This ensures that your instance is started on a different underlying host.

For more information about failed status checks, see Troubleshooting Instances with Failed Status Checks in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide . For more information about working with scheduled events, see Working with an Instance That Has a Scheduled Event in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide .

Declaration Syntax
public class DescribeInstanceStatusRequest : EC2Request
All MembersConstructorsMethodsProperties

Initializes a new instance of the DescribeInstanceStatusRequest class

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
A list of filters used to match system-defined properties and user-defined tags associated with the specified Instances. For a complete reference to the available filter keys for this operation, see the Amazon EC2 API reference.

Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets the type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets and sets whether the request includes all or only running instances. When true, returns the health status for all instances (e.g., running, stopped, pending, shutting down, etc.). When false (default), returns only the health status for running instances.

List of instance IDs. If not specified, all instances are described.

Checks if Filter property is set

Checks if the IncludeAllInstances property is set.

Checks if InstanceId property is set

Checks if the MaxResults property is set.

Checks if the NextToken property is set.

The maximum number of paginated instance items per response.

Token specifying the next paginated set of results to return.

Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
WithFilter(array<Filter>[]()[][]) Obsolete.
Sets filters used to match system-defined properties and user-defined tags associated with the specified Instances.

WithIncludeAllInstances(Boolean) Obsolete.
Sets whether the request includes all or only running instances.

WithInstanceId(array<String>[]()[][]) Obsolete.
Sets instance IDs.

WithMaxResults(Int32) Obsolete.
Sets the maximum number of paginated instance items per response.

WithNextToken(String) Obsolete.
Sets the token specifying the next paginated set of results to return.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: AWSSDK (Module: AWSSDK) Version: (