AWS SDK for .NET Documentation
TransferUtilityUploadDirectoryRequest Class
AmazonAmazon.S3.TransferTransferUtilityUploadDirectoryRequest Did this page help you?   Yes   No    Tell us about it...
Contains all the parameters that can be set when making a this request with the TransferUtility method.
Declaration Syntax
public class TransferUtilityUploadDirectoryRequest
All MembersConstructorsMethodsPropertiesEvents

Initializes a new instance of the TransferUtilityUploadDirectoryRequest class

Gets or sets the name of the bucket.

Gets or sets the canned access control list (ACL) for the uploaded objects. Please refer to S3CannedACL for information on Amazon S3 canned ACLs.

Gets or sets the directory where files are uploaded from.

Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets the type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets or sets the KeyPrefix property. As object keys are generated for the files being uploaded this value will prefix the key. This is useful when a directory needs to be uploaded into sub directory in the S3 Bucket.

Removes the cannned access control list (ACL) for the uploaded object.

Removes a key from the metadata list if it was added previously.

Gets or sets the recursive options for the directory upload.

Gets and sets the search pattern used to determine which files in the directory are uploaded.

Gets and sets the ServerSideEncryptionMethod property. Specifies the encryption used on the server to store the content.

Gets or sets the storage class for the uploaded Amazon S3 objects. Please refer to S3StorageClass for information on S3 Storage Classes.

Gets or sets the timeout property in milliseconds. The value of this property is assigned to the ReadWriteTimeout and Timeout properties of the HTTPWebRequest object used for Amazon S3 GET Object requests.

Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
The event for UploadDirectoryProgressEvent notifications. All subscribers will be notified when a new progress event is raised.

The UploadDirectoryProgressEvent is fired as data is uploaded to S3. The delegates attached to the event will be passed information detailing how much data has been uploaded as well as how much will be uploaded.

WithBucketName(String) Obsolete.
Sets the name of the bucket and returns this object instance, enabling additional method calls to be chained together.

WithCannedACL(S3CannedACL) Obsolete.
Sets the canned access control list (ACL) for the uploaded objects and returns this object instance, enabling additional method calls to be chained together. Please refer to S3CannedACL for information on Amazon S3 canned ACLs.

WithDirectory(String) Obsolete.
Sets the Directory property for this request. This is the location where files are uploaded from.

WithKeyPrefix(String) Obsolete.
Sets the KeyPrefix property for this request. This value prefixed the generated object keys.

WithMetadata(String, String)
Adds a set of key-value pairs to the request and returns this object instance, enabling additional method calls to be chained together.

Adds a set of key-value pairs to the request and returns this object instance, enabling additional method calls to be chained together.

WithSearchOption(SearchOption) Obsolete.
Sets the recursive options for the directory upload. and returns this object instance, enabling additional method calls to be chained together.

WithSearchPattern(String) Obsolete.
Sets the search pattern used to determine which files in the directory are uploaded and returns this object instance, enabling additional method calls to be chained together. The SearchPattern is used for searching files in the directory. The default is "*" which returns back all files.

WithServerSideEncryptionMethod(ServerSideEncryptionMethod) Obsolete.
Sets the ServerSideEncryptionMethod property for this request. Specifies the encryption used on the server to store the content. Default is None.

WithStorageClass(S3StorageClass) Obsolete.
Sets the storage class for the uploaded Amazon S3 object. and returns this object instance, enabling additional method calls to be chained together. Please refer to S3StorageClass for information on S3 Storage Classes.

WithSubscriber(EventHandler<(Of <<'(UploadDirectoryProgressArgs>)>>)) Obsolete.
The handler will be attached to the UploadDirectoryProgressEvent which is fired as data is uploaded to S3. The handler will be passed information detailing how much data has been uploaded as well as how much will be uploaded.

WithTimeout(Int32) Obsolete.
Sets the sets the timeout property in milliseconds and returns this object instance, enabling additional method calls to be chained together. Set the timeout only if certain that the file will not be transferred within the default intervals for an HttpWebRequest.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: AWSSDK (Module: AWSSDK) Version: (