Delete an AWS Secrets Manager secret - AWS Secrets Manager

Delete an AWS Secrets Manager secret

Because of the critical nature of secrets, AWS Secrets Manager intentionally makes deleting a secret difficult. Secrets Manager does not immediately delete secrets. Instead, Secrets Manager immediately makes the secrets inaccessible and scheduled for deletion after a recovery window of a minimum of seven days. Until the recovery window ends, you can recover a secret you previously deleted. There is no charge for secrets that you have marked for deletion.

You can't delete a primary secret if it is replicated to other Regions. First delete the replicas, then delete the primary secret. When you delete a replica, it is deleted immediately.

You can't directly delete a version of a secret. Instead, you remove all staging labels from the version using the AWS CLI or AWS SDK. This marks the version as deprecated, and then Secrets Manager can automatically delete the version in the background.

If you don't know whether an application still uses a secret, you can create an Amazon CloudWatch alarm to alert you to any attempts to access a secret during the recovery window. For more information, see Monitor when AWS Secrets Manager secrets scheduled for deletion are accessed.

To delete a secret, you must have secretsmanager:ListSecrets and secretsmanager:DeleteSecret permissions.

Secrets Manager generates a CloudTrail log entry when you delete a secret. For more information, see Log AWS Secrets Manager events with AWS CloudTrail.

To delete a secret (console)
  1. Open the Secrets Manager console at

  2. In the list of secrets, choose the secret you want to delete.

  3. In the Secret details section, choose Actions, and then choose Delete secret.

  4. In the Disable secret and schedule deletion dialog box, in Waiting period, enter the number of days to wait before the deletion becomes permanent. Secrets Manager attaches a field called DeletionDate and sets the field to the current date and time, plus the number of days specified for the recovery window.

  5. Choose Schedule deletion.

To view deleted secrets
  1. Open the Secrets Manager console at

  2. On the Secrets page, choose Preferences ( Gear icon representing settings or configuration options. ).

  3. In the Preferences dialog box, select Show secrets scheduled for deletion, and then choose Save.

To delete a replica secret
  1. Open the Secrets Manager console at

  2. Choose the primary secret.

  3. In the Replicate Secret section, choose the replica secret.

  4. From the Actions menu, choose Delete Replica.


Example Delete a secret

The following delete-secret example deletes a secret. You can recover the secret with restore-secret until the date and time in the DeletionDate response field. To delete a secret that is replicated to other regions, first remove its replicas with remove-regions-from-replication, and then call delete-secret.

aws secretsmanager delete-secret \ --secret-id MyTestSecret \ --recovery-window-in-days 7
Example Delete a secret immediately

The following delete-secret example deletes a secret immediately without a recovery window. You can't recover this secret.

aws secretsmanager delete-secret \ --secret-id MyTestSecret \ --force-delete-without-recovery
Example Delete a replica secret

The following remove-regions-from-replication example deletes a replica secret in eu-west-3. To delete a primary secret that is replicated to other regions, first delete the replicas and then call delete-secret.

aws secretsmanager remove-regions-from-replication \ --secret-id MyTestSecret \ --remove-replica-regions eu-west-3


To delete a secret, use the DeleteSecret command. To delete a version of a secret, use the UpdateSecretVersionStage command. To delete a replica, use the StopReplicationToReplica command. For more information, see AWS SDKs.