Set up alternating users rotation for AWS Secrets Manager - AWS Secrets Manager

Set up alternating users rotation for AWS Secrets Manager

In this tutorial, you learn how to set up alternating users rotation for a secret that contains database credentials. Alternating users rotation is a rotation strategy where Secrets Manager clones the user and then alternates which user's credentials are updated. This strategy is a good choice if you need high availability for your secret, because one of the alternating users has current credentials to the database while the other one is being updated. For more information, see Rotation strategy: alternating users.

To set up alternating users rotation, you need two secrets:

  • One secret with the credentials that you want to rotate.

  • A second secret that has admin credentials.

    This user has permissions to clone the first user and change the first users's password. In this tutorial, you have Amazon RDS create this secret for an admin user. Amazon RDS also manages the admin password rotation. For more information, see Managed rotation for AWS Secrets Manager secrets.

The first part of this tutorial is setting up a realistic environment. To show you how rotation works, this tutorial uses an example Amazon RDS MySQL database. For security, the database is in a VPC that restricts inbound internet access. To connect to the database from your local computer through the internet, you use a bastion host, a server in the VPC that can connect to the database, but that also allows SSH connections from the internet. The bastion host in this tutorial is an Amazon EC2 instance, and the security groups for the instance prevent other types of connections.

After you finish the tutorial, we recommend that you clean up the resources from the tutorial. Don't use them in a production setting.

Secrets Manager rotation uses an AWS Lambda function to update the secret and the database. For information about the costs of using a Lambda function, see Pricing.


For the tutorial prerequisites, you need administrative permissions to your AWS account. In a production setting, it is a best practice to use different roles for each of the steps. For example, a role with database admin permissions would create the Amazon RDS database, and a role with network admin permissions would set up the VPC and security groups. For the tutorial steps, we recommend you continue using the same identity.

For information about how to set up permissions in a production environment, see Authentication and access control for AWS Secrets Manager.


Prereq A: Amazon VPC

In this step, you create a VPC that you can launch an Amazon RDS database and an Amazon EC2 instance into. In a later step, you'll use your computer to connect through the internet to the bastion and then to the database, so you need to allow traffic out of the VPC. To do this, Amazon VPC attaches an internet gateway to the VPC and adds a route in the route table so that traffic destined for outside the VPC is sent to the internet gateway.

Within the VPC, you create a Secrets Manager endpoint and an Amazon RDS endpoint. When you set up automatic rotation in a later step, Secrets Manager creates a Lambda rotation function within the VPC so that it can access the database. The Lambda rotation function also calls Secrets Manager to update the secret, and it calls Amazon RDS to get the database connection information. By creating endpoints within the VPC, you ensure that calls from the Lambda function to Secrets Manager and Amazon RDS don't leave AWS infrastructure. Instead, they are routed to the endpoints within the VPC.

To create a VPC
  1. Open the Amazon VPC console at

  2. Choose Create VPC.

  3. On the Create VPC page, choose VPC and more.

  4. Under Name tag auto-generation, under Auto-generate, enter SecretsManagerTutorial.

  5. For DNS options, choose both Enable DNS hostnames and Enable DNS resolution.

  6. Choose Create VPC.

To create a Secrets Manager endpoint within the VPC
  1. In the Amazon VPC console, under Endpoints, choose Create Endpoint.

  2. Under Endpoint settings, for Name, enter SecretsManagerTutorialEndpoint.

  3. Under Services, enter secretsmanager to filter the list, and then select the Secrets Manager endpoint in your AWS Region. For example, in the US East (N. Virginia), choose

  4. For VPC, choose vpc**** (SecretsManagerTutorial).

  5. For Subnets, select all Availability Zones, and then for each one, choose a Subnet ID to include.

  6. For IP address type, choose IPv4.

  7. For Security groups, choose the default security group.

  8. For Policy, choose Full access.

  9. Choose Create endpoint.

To create an Amazon RDS endpoint within the VPC
  1. In the Amazon VPC console, under Endpoints, choose Create Endpoint.

  2. Under Endpoint settings, for Name, enter RDSTutorialEndpoint.

  3. Under Services, enter rds to filter the list, and then select the Amazon RDS endpoint in your AWS Region. For example, in the US East (N. Virginia), choose

  4. For VPC, choose vpc**** (SecretsManagerTutorial).

  5. For Subnets, select all Availability Zones, and then for each one, choose a Subnet ID to include.

  6. For IP address type, choose IPv4.

  7. For Security groups, choose the default security group.

  8. For Policy, choose Full access.

  9. Choose Create endpoint.

Prereq B: Amazon EC2 instance

The Amazon RDS database you create in a later step will be in the VPC, so to access it, you need a bastion host. The bastion host is also in the VPC, but in a later step, you configure a security group to allow your local computer to connect to the bastion host with SSH.

To create an EC2 instance for a bastion host
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. Choose Instances and then choose Launch Instances.

  3. Under Name and tags, for Name, enter SecretsManagerTutorialInstance.

  4. Under Application and OS Images, keep the default Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HMV) Kernel 5.10.

  5. Under Instance type, keep the default t2.micro.

  6. Under Key pair, choose Create key pair.

    In the Create key pair dialog box, for Key pair name, enter SecretsManagerTutorialKeyPair, and then choose Create key pair.

    The key pair is automatically downloaded.

  7. Under Network settings, choose Edit, and then do the following:

    1. For VPC, choose vpc-**** SecretsManagerTutorial.

    2. For Auto-assign Public IP, choose Enable.

    3. For Firewall, choose Select existing security group.

    4. For Common security groups, choose default.

  8. Choose Launch instance.

Prereq C: Amazon RDS database and a Secrets Manager secret for the admin credentials

In this step, you create an Amazon RDS MySQL database and configure it so that Amazon RDS creates a secret to contain the admin credentials. Then Amazon RDS automatically manages rotation of the admin secret for you. For more information, see Managed rotation.

As part of creating your database, you specify the bastion host you created in the previous step. Then Amazon RDS sets up security groups so that the database and the instance can access each other. You add a rule to the security group attached to the instance to allow your local computer to connect to it as well.

To create an Amazon RDS database with an Secrets Manager secret that contains the admin credentials
  1. In the Amazon RDS console, choose Create database.

  2. In the Engine options section, for Engine type, choose MySQL.

  3. In the Templates section, choose Free tier.

  4. In the Settings section, do the following:

    1. For DB instance identifier, enter SecretsManagerTutorial.

    2. Under Credential settings, select Manage master credentials in AWS Secrets Manager.

  5. In the Connectivity section, for Computer resource, choose Connect to an EC2 computer resource, and then for EC2 Instance, choose SecretsManagerTutorialInstance.

  6. Choose Create database.

Prereq D: Allow your local computer to connect to the EC2 instance

In this step, you configure the EC2 instance you created in Prereq B to allow your local computer to connect to it. To do this, you edit the security group that Amazon RDS added in Prereq C to include a rule that allows your computer's IP address to connect with SSH. The rule allows your local computer (identified by your current IP address) to connect to the bastion host by using SSH over the internet.

To allow your local computer to connect to the EC2 instance
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. On the EC2 instance SecretsManagerTutorialInstance, on the Security tab, under Security groups, choose sg-*** (ec2-rds-X).

  3. Under Input rules, choose Edit inbound rules.

  4. Choose Add rule, and then for the rule, do the following:

    1. For Type, choose SSH.

    2. For Source type, choose My IP.

Step 1: Create an Amazon RDS database user

First, you need a user whose credentials will be stored in the secret. To create the user, log into the Amazon RDS database with admin credentials. For simplicity, in the tutorial, you create a user with full permission to a database. In a production setting, this is not typical, and we recommend that you follow the principle of least privilege.

To connect to the database, you use a MySQL client tool. In this tutorial, you use MySQL Workbench, a GUI-based application. To install MySQL Workbench, see Download MySQL Workbench.

To connect to the database, create a connection configuration in MySQL Workbench. For the configuration, you need some information from both Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS.

To create a database connection in MySQL Workbench
  1. In MySQL Workbench, next to MySQL Connections, choose the (+) button.

  2. In the Setup New Connection dialog box, do the following:

    1. For Connection Name, enter SecretsManagerTutorial.

    2. For Connection Method, choose Standard TCP/IP over SSH.

    3. On the Parameters tab, do the following:

      1. For SSH Hostname, enter the public IP address of the Amazon EC2 instance.

        You can find the IP address on the Amazon EC2 console by choosing the instance SecretsManagerTutorialInstance. Copy the IP address under Public IPv4 DNS.

      2. For SSH Username, enter ec2-user.

      3. For SSH Keyfile, choose the key pair file SecretsManagerTutorialKeyPair.pem you downloaded in the previous prerequisite.

      4. For MySQL Hostname, enter the Amazon RDS endpoint address.

        You can find the endpoint address on the Amazon RDS console by choosing the database instance secretsmanagertutorialdb. Copy the address under Endpoint.

      5. For Username, enter admin.

    4. Choose OK.

To retrieve the admin password
  1. In the Amazon RDS console, navigate to your database.

  2. On the Configuration tab, under Master Credentials ARN, choose Manage in Secrets Manager.

    The Secrets Manager console opens.

  3. In the secret details page, choose Retrieve secret value.

  4. The password appears in the Secret value section.

To create a database user
  1. In MySQL Workbench, choose the connection SecretsManagerTutorial.

  2. Enter the admin password you retrieved from the secret.

  3. In MySQL Workbench, in the Query window, enter the following commands (including a strong password) and then choose Execute. The rotation function tests the updated secret by using SELECT, so the appuser must have that privilege at minimum.


    In the Output window, you see the commands are successful.

Step 2: Create a secret for the user credentials

Next, you create a secret to store the credentials of the user you just created. This is the secret you'll be rotating. You turn on automatic rotation, and to indicate the alternating users strategy, you choose a separate superuser secret that has permission to change the first user's password.

  1. Open the Secrets Manager console at

  2. Choose Store a new secret.

  3. On the Choose secret type page, do the following:

    1. For Secret type, choose Credentials for Amazon RDS database.

    2. For Credentials, enter the username appuser and the password you entered for the database user you created using MySQL Workbench.

    3. For Database, choose secretsmanagertutorialdb.

    4. Choose Next.

  4. On the Configure secret page, for Secret name, enter SecretsManagerTutorialAppuser and then choose Next.

  5. On the Configure rotation page, do the following:

    1. Turn on Automatic rotation.

    2. For Rotation schedule, set a schedule of Days: 2 Days with Duration: 2h. Keep Rotate immediately selected.

    3. For Rotation function, choose Create a rotation function, and then for the function name, enter tutorial-alternating-users-rotation.

    4. For Rotation strategy, choose Alternating users, and then under Admin credential secret, choose the secret named rds!cluster... which has a Description that includes the name of the database you created in this tutorial secretsmanagertutorial, for example Secret associated with primary RDS DB instance: arn:aws:rds:Region:AccountId:db:secretsmanagertutorial.

    5. Choose Next.

  6. On the Review page, choose Store.

    Secrets Manager returns to the secret details page. At the top of the page, you can see the rotation configuration status. Secrets Manager uses CloudFormation to create resources such as the Lambda rotation function and an execution role that runs the Lambda function. When CloudFormation finishes, the banner changes to Secret scheduled for rotation. The first rotation is complete.

Step 3: Test the rotated secret

Now that the secret is rotated, you can check that the secret contains valid new credentials. The password in the secret has changed from the original credentials.

To retrieve the new password from the secret
  1. Open the Secrets Manager console at

  2. Choose Secrets, and then choose the secret SecretsManagerTutorialAppuser.

  3. On the Secret details page, scroll down and choose Retrieve secret value.

  4. In the Key/value table, copy the Secret value for password.

To test the credentials
  1. In MySQL Workbench, right-click the connection SecretsManagerTutorial and then choose Edit Connection.

  2. In the Manage Server Connections dialog box, for Username, enter appuser, and then choose Close.

  3. Back in MySQL Workbench, choose the connection SecretsManagerTutorial.

  4. In the Open SSH Connection dialog box, for Password, paste the password you retrieved from the secret, and then choose OK.

    If the credentials are valid, then MySQL Workbench opens to the design page for the database.

This shows that the secret rotation is successful. The credentials in the secret have been updated and it is a valid password to connect to the database.

Step 4: Clean up resources

If you want to try another rotation strategy, single user rotation, skip cleaning up resources and go to Set up single user rotation for AWS Secrets Manager.

Otherwise, to avoid potential charges, and to remove the EC2 instance that has access to the internet, delete the following resources you created in this tutorial and its prerequisites:

Next steps