sam list - AWS Serverless Application Model

sam list

This page provides reference information for the AWS Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (AWS SAM CLI) sam list command.

For an introduction to the AWS SAM CLI, see What is the AWS SAM CLI?.

The sam list command outputs important information about the resources in your serverless application and the state of your serverless application. Use sam list before and after deployment to assist during local and cloud development.


$ sam list <options> <subcommand>


--help, -h

Show this message and exit.



Displays a list of cloud and local endpoints from your AWS CloudFormation stack. For more information, see sam list endpoints.


Displays the resources in your AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) template that are created in AWS CloudFormation at deployment. For more information, see sam list resources.


Displays the outputs of your AWS CloudFormation stack from an AWS SAM or AWS CloudFormation template. For more information, see sam list stack-outputs.