AWS CloudFormation resources generated when AWS::Serverless::Api is specified - AWS Serverless Application Model

AWS CloudFormation resources generated when AWS::Serverless::Api is specified

When an AWS::Serverless::Api is specified, AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) always generates an AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi base AWS CloudFormation resource. In addition, it also always generates an AWS::ApiGateway::Stage and an AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment resource.


LogicalId: <api‑LogicalId>

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this AWS CloudFormation resource)


LogicalId: <api‑LogicalId><stage‑name>Stage

<stage‑name> is the string that the StageName property is set to. For example, if you set StageName to Gamma, the LogicalId is MyRestApiGammaStage.

Referenceable property: <api‑LogicalId>.Stage


LogicalId: <api‑LogicalId>Deployment<sha>

<sha> is a unique hash value that is generated when the stack is created. For example, MyRestApiDeployment926eeb5ff1.

Referenceable property: <api‑LogicalId>.Deployment

In addition to these AWS CloudFormation resources, when AWS::Serverless::Api is specified, AWS SAM generates additional AWS CloudFormation resources for the following scenarios.

DomainName property is specified

When the DomainName property of the Domain property of an AWS::Serverless::Api is specified, AWS SAM generates the AWS::ApiGateway::DomainName AWS CloudFormation resource.


LogicalId: ApiGatewayDomainName<sha>

<sha> is a unique hash value that is generated when the stack is created. For example: ApiGatewayDomainName926eeb5ff1.

Referenceable property: <api‑LogicalId>.DomainName

UsagePlan property is specified

When the UsagePlan property of the Auth property of an AWS::Serverless::Api is specified, AWS SAM generates the following AWS CloudFormation resources: AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan, AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey, and AWS::ApiGateway::ApiKey.


LogicalId: <api‑LogicalId>UsagePlan

Referenceable property: <api‑LogicalId>.UsagePlan


LogicalId: <api‑LogicalId>UsagePlanKey

Referenceable property: <api‑LogicalId>.UsagePlanKey


LogicalId: <api‑LogicalId>ApiKey

Referenceable property: <api‑LogicalId>.ApiKey