AWS CloudFormation resources generated when AWS::Serverless::StateMachine is specified - AWS Serverless Application Model

AWS CloudFormation resources generated when AWS::Serverless::StateMachine is specified

When an AWS::Serverless::StateMachine is specified, AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) generates an AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine base AWS CloudFormation resource.


LogicalId: <statemachine‑LogicalId>

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this AWS CloudFormation resource)

In addition to this AWS CloudFormation resource, when AWS::Serverless::StateMachine is specified, AWS SAM also generates AWS CloudFormation resources for the following scenarios:

Role property is not specified

When the Role property of an AWS::Serverless::StateMachine is not specified, AWS SAM generates an AWS::IAM::Role AWS CloudFormation resource.


LogicalId: <statemachine‑LogicalId>Role

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this AWS CloudFormation resource)

An API event source is specified

When the Event property of an AWS::Serverless::StateMachine is set to Api, but the RestApiId property is not specified, AWS SAM generates the AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi AWS CloudFormation resource.


LogicalId: ServerlessRestApi

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this AWS CloudFormation resource)

An event bridge (or event bus) event source is specified

When the Event property of an AWS::Serverless::StateMachine is set to one of the event bridge (or event bus) types, AWS SAM generates the AWS::Events::Rule AWS CloudFormation resource. This applies to the following types: EventBridgeRule, Schedule, and CloudWatchEvents.


LogicalId: <statemachine‑LogicalId><event‑LogicalId>

Referenceable property: N/A (you must use the LogicalId to reference this AWS CloudFormation resource)