Actions, resources, and condition keys for Amazon Cognito Sync - Service Authorization Reference

Actions, resources, and condition keys for Amazon Cognito Sync

Amazon Cognito Sync (service prefix: cognito-sync) provides the following service-specific resources, actions, and condition context keys for use in IAM permission policies.


Actions defined by Amazon Cognito Sync

You can specify the following actions in the Action element of an IAM policy statement. Use policies to grant permissions to perform an operation in AWS. When you use an action in a policy, you usually allow or deny access to the API operation or CLI command with the same name. However, in some cases, a single action controls access to more than one operation. Alternatively, some operations require several different actions.

The Resource types column of the Actions table indicates whether each action supports resource-level permissions. If there is no value for this column, you must specify all resources ("*") to which the policy applies in the Resource element of your policy statement. If the column includes a resource type, then you can specify an ARN of that type in a statement with that action. If the action has one or more required resources, the caller must have permission to use the action with those resources. Required resources are indicated in the table with an asterisk (*). If you limit resource access with the Resource element in an IAM policy, you must include an ARN or pattern for each required resource type. Some actions support multiple resource types. If the resource type is optional (not indicated as required), then you can choose to use one of the optional resource types.

The Condition keys column of the Actions table includes keys that you can specify in a policy statement's Condition element. For more information on the condition keys that are associated with resources for the service, see the Condition keys column of the Resource types table.


Resource condition keys are listed in the Resource types table. You can find a link to the resource type that applies to an action in the Resource types (*required) column of the Actions table. The resource type in the Resource types table includes the Condition keys column, which are the resource condition keys that apply to an action in the Actions table.

For details about the columns in the following table, see Actions table.

Actions Description Access level Resource types (*required) Condition keys Dependent actions
BulkPublish Grants permission to initiate a bulk publish of all existing datasets for an Identity Pool to the configured stream Write


DeleteDataset Grants permission to delete a specific dataset Write


DescribeDataset Grants permission to get metadata about a dataset by identity and dataset name Read


DescribeIdentityPoolUsage Grants permission to get usage details (for example, data storage) about a particular identity pool Read


DescribeIdentityUsage Grants permission to get usage information for an identity, including number of datasets and data usage Read


GetBulkPublishDetails Grants permission to get the status of the last BulkPublish operation for an identity pool Read


GetCognitoEvents Grants permission to get the events and the corresponding Lambda functions associated with an identity pool Read


GetIdentityPoolConfiguration Grants permission to get the configuration settings of an identity pool Read


ListDatasets Grants permission to list datasets for an identity List


ListIdentityPoolUsage Grants permission to get a list of identity pools registered with Cognito Read


ListRecords Grants permission to get paginated records, optionally changed after a particular sync count for a dataset and identity Read


QueryRecords [permission only] Grants permission to query records Read
RegisterDevice Grants permission to register a device to receive push sync notifications Write


SetCognitoEvents Grants permission to set the AWS Lambda function for a given event type for an identity pool Write


SetDatasetConfiguration [permission only] Grants permission to configure datasets Write


SetIdentityPoolConfiguration Grants permission to set the necessary configuration for push sync Write


SubscribeToDataset Grants permission to subscribe to receive notifications when a dataset is modified by another device Write


UnsubscribeFromDataset Grants permission to unsubscribe from receiving notifications when a dataset is modified by another device Write


UpdateRecords Grants permission to post updates to records and add and delete records for a dataset and user Write


Resource types defined by Amazon Cognito Sync

The following resource types are defined by this service and can be used in the Resource element of IAM permission policy statements. Each action in the Actions table identifies the resource types that can be specified with that action. A resource type can also define which condition keys you can include in a policy. These keys are displayed in the last column of the Resource types table. For details about the columns in the following table, see Resource types table.

Resource types ARN Condition keys
dataset arn:${Partition}:cognito-sync:${Region}:${Account}:identitypool/${IdentityPoolId}/identity/${IdentityId}/dataset/${DatasetName}
identity arn:${Partition}:cognito-sync:${Region}:${Account}:identitypool/${IdentityPoolId}/identity/${IdentityId}
identitypool arn:${Partition}:cognito-sync:${Region}:${Account}:identitypool/${IdentityPoolId}

Condition keys for Amazon Cognito Sync

Cognito Sync has no service-specific context keys that can be used in the Condition element of policy statements. For the list of the global context keys that are available to all services, see Available keys for conditions.