Managing tags - AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry

Managing tags

Tags act as metadata to organize application resources. You create tags using key-value pairs. You add tags to applications and attribute groups, so you can group them by environment, owner, purpose, or other criteria.


This tag is not the same as the the AWS application tag. The AWS application tag is a user tag AppRegistry vends on your behalf when you create an application. You can add the AWS application tag to resources, so you can identify which resources are associated with an application.

Adding and deleting tags in a new application

The following procedure describes how to add and delete tags in a new application. For information about creating a new application, see Creating applications.

To add and delete tags in a new application
  1. Open the AWS Service Catalog console at

  2. From the navigation pane, choose AppRegistry, and then choose Applications. You're directed to the Applications screen where you can view all of your applications.

  3. On Applications, choose Create application.

  4. Under Application name and description, enter a name for your application. You can optionally enter a description for your application.

  5. Under Application tags, choose Add tag, and then enter a Key/Value pair.

    1. To add another tag, choose Add another, and then enter a new key/value pair. You can create up to 50 tags for an application.

    2. To delete a tag, choose Remove next to the tag that you want to delete.

  6. Complete your configuration, and then choose Create application.


AppRegistry creates and adds tags that begin with aws, such as aws:servicecatalog:applicationName. These are considered internal tags and can't be removed.

Adding and deleting tags from the Application details screen

The following procedure describes how to add and delete tags from the Application details screen. For more information about using application details, see Using application details.

To add and delete tags from Application details
  1. Open the AWS Service Catalog console at

  2. From the navigation pane, choose AppRegistry, and then choose Applications. You're directed to the Applications screen where you can view all of your applications.

  3. On Applications, choose the name of the application that you want to create a tag for. Or select the application that you want to create a tag for, and choose View. You're directed to the Application details screen.

  4. On Application details, choose Tags.

  5. Under Add tags specific to this application, enter a key/value pair, and then choose Add tag.

    1. To add another tag, enter a new key/value pair, and then choose Add tag again. You can create up to 50 tags for an application.

    2. To delete a tag, under Application specific tags, select the key/value pair that you want to remove, and then choose Delete tag.

Adding and deleting tags in a new attribute group

The following procedure describes how to add and delete in a new attribute group. For information about creating a new attribute group, see Creating attribute groups.

To add and delete tags in a new attribute group
  1. Open the AWS Service Catalog console at

  2. From the navigation pane, choose AppRegistry, and then choose Attribute groups. You're directed to the Attribute groups screen.

  3. On Attribute groups, choose Create attribute group.

  4. Under New attribute group, enter a name and description for your attribute group, and and provide the JSON schema that captures your metadata taxonomy.

  5. Under Add tags, enter a key/value pair to assign metadata to your attribute group.

    1. To add another tag, choose Add new item, and then enter new key/value pair. You can create up to 50 tags for an attribute group.

    2. To delete a tag, choose Remove next to the tag that you want to delete.

  6. Complete your configuration, and then choose Create attribute group.


AppRegistry creates and adds tags that begin with aws, such as aws:servicecatalog:attributeGroupName . These are considered internal tags and can't be removed.

Adding and deleting tags from Attribute group details

The following procedure describes how to add and delete tags from the Attribute group details screen. For more information about using attribute group details, see Using attribute group details.

To add and delete tags from Attribute group details
  1. Open the AWS Service Catalog console at

  2. From the navigation pane, choose AppRegistry, and then choose Attribute groups. You're directed to the Attribute groups screen where you can view all of your attribute groups.

  3. On Attribute groups, choose the name of the attribute group that you want to create a tag for. Or select the attribute group that you want to create a tag for, and choose View. You're directed to the Attribute groups details screen.

  4. On Attribute group details, choose Tags.

  5. Under Add tags specific to this attribute group, enter a key/value pair, and then choose Add tag.

    1. To add another tag, enter a new key/value pair, and then choose Add tag again. You can create up to 50 tags for an attribute group.

    2. To delete a tag, under Attribute group specific tags, select the key/value pair that you want to remove, and then choose Delete tag.