Using list management - Amazon Simple Email Service

Using list management

Amazon SES offers list management capabilities, which means customers can manage their own mailing lists, known as contact lists. A contact list is a list that allows you to store all of your contacts that have subscribed to a particular topic or topics. A contact is an end-user who is receiving your emails. A topic is an interest group, theme, or label within a list. Lists can have multiple topics.

By using the ListContacts operation in the Amazon SES API v2, you can retrieve a list of all your contacts who have subscribed to a particular topic, to whom you can send emails using the SendEmail operation.

For information about subscription management, see Using subscription management.

List management overview

You should consider the following factors when you use list management:

  • You can specify list topics while creating the list.

  • Only one contact list is allowed per AWS account.

  • A list can have a maximum of 20 topics.

  • You can update an existing contact list, including adding new topics to the list, adding or deleting contacts from a list, and updating contact preferences for a list or topic.

  • You can update topic metadata, such as the topic display name or description.

  • You can get a list of contacts in a contact list, contacts subscribed to a topic, contacts unsubscribed from a topic, and contacts unsubscribed from all topics in the list.

  • You can import your existing contact lists to Amazon SES using the CreateImportJob API.

  • Amazon SES will bounce an email if it is sent to an unsubscribed contact on your contact list. For more information, see Using subscription management.

  • Each contact can have associated attributes which you can use to store information about that contact.

Configuring list management

You can use the following operations to configure list management capabilities. For the full list of contact list and contact operations, see the Amazon SES API v2 Reference.

Create a contact list

You can use the CreateContactList operation in the Amazon SES API v2 to create a contact list. You can quickly and easily configure this setting by using the AWS CLI. For more information about installing and configuring the AWS CLI, see the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

To create a contact list by using the AWS CLI
  • At the command line, enter the following command:

    aws sesv2 create-contact-list --cli-input-json file://CONTACT-LIST-JSON

    In the preceding command, replace CONTACT-LIST-JSON with the path to your JSON file for your CreateContactList request.

    An example CreateContactList input JSON file for the request is as follows:

    { "ContactListName": "ExampleContactListName", "Description": "Creating a contact list example", "Topics": [ { "TopicName": "Sports", "DisplayName": "Sports Newsletter", "Description": "Sign up for our free newsletter to receive updates on all sports.", "DefaultSubscriptionStatus": "OPT_OUT" }, { "TopicName": "Cycling", "DisplayName": "Cycling newsletter", "Description": "Never miss a cycling update by subscribing to our newsletter.", "DefaultSubscriptionStatus": "OPT_IN" }, { "TopicName": "NewProducts", "DisplayName": "New products", "Description": "Hear about new products by subscribing to this mailing list.", "DefaultSubscriptionStatus": "OPT_IN" }, { "TopicName": "DailyUpdates", "DisplayName": "Daily updates", "Description": "Start your day with sport updates, Monday through Friday.", "DefaultSubscriptionStatus": "OPT_OUT" } ] }

Create a contact

You can use the CreateContact operation in the Amazon SES API v2 to create a contact. You can quickly and easily configure this setting by using the AWS CLI. For more information about installing and configuring the AWS CLI, see the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

To create a contact by using the AWS CLI
  • At the command line, enter the following command:

    aws sesv2 create-contact --cli-input-json file://CONTACT-JSON

    In the preceding command, replace CONTACT-JSON with the path to your JSON file for your CreateContact request.

    An example CreateContact input JSON file for the request is as follows:

    { "ContactListName": "ExampleContactListName", "EmailAddress": "", "UnsubscribeAll": false, "TopicPreferences": [ { "TopicName": "Sports", "SubscriptionStatus": "OPT_IN" } ], "AttributesData": "{\"Name\": \"John\", \"Location\": \"Seattle\"}" }

    In the example above, an UnsubscribeAll value of false shows that the contact has not unsubscribed from all topics, where a value of true would mean the contact has unsubscribed from all topics.

    TopicPreferences includes information about the contact’s subscription status to topics. In the preceding example, the contact has opted in to the "Sports" topic and will receive all emails to the "Sports" topic.

    The AttributesData is a JSON field where you can put any metadata about our contact. It must be a valid JSON object.

Bulk importing contacts to your contact list

You can manually add addresses in bulk by first uploading your contacts into an Amazon S3 object followed by using the CreateImportJob operation in the Amazon SES API v2 or by using the SES console. For more information see Adding email addresses in bulk to your account-level suppression list.

You should create a contact list before importing your contacts.


You can add up to 1 million contacts to a contact list per ImportJob.

To add contacts in bulk to your contact list, complete the following steps.

  • Upload your contacts into an Amazon S3 object in either CSV or JSON format.

    CSV format

    The first line of the file that is uploaded to Amazon S3 should be a header line.

    The topicPreferences object needs to be flattened for the CSV format. Every topic in the topicPreferences will have a separate header field.

    CSV format example for adding contacts in bulk to a contact list:

    emailAddress,unsubscribeAll,attributesData,topicPreferences.Sports,topicPreferences.Cycling,false,{"Name": "John"},OPT_IN,OPT_OUT,true,,OPT_OUT,OPT_OUT

    JSON format

    Only newline-delimited JSON files are supported. In this format, each line is a complete JSON object that contains one contact's information.

    JSON format example for adding contacts in bulk to a contact list:

    { "emailAddress": "", "unsubscribeAll": false, "attributesData": "{\"Name\":\"John\"}", "topicPreferences": [ { "topicName": "Sports", "subscriptionStatus": "OPT_IN" }, { "topicName": "Cycling", "subscriptionStatus": "OPT_OUT" } ] } { "emailAddress": "", "unsubscribeAll": true, "topicPreferences": [ { "topicName": "Sports", "subscriptionStatus": "OPT_OUT" }, { "topicName": "Cycling", "subscriptionStatus": "OPT_OUT" } ] }

    In the preceding examples, replace and with the email addresses you want to add to the contact list. Replace the attributesData values with the values specific to the contact. Additionally, replace Sports and Cycling with the topicName that applies to your contact. The acceptable topicPreferences are OPT_IN and OPT_OUT.

    The following attributes are supported when uploading your contacts into an Amazon S3 object in either CSV or JSON format:

    Attribute Description
    emailAddress The contact's email address. This is a mandatory field.
    unsubscribeAll A boolean value status noting if the contact is unsubscribed from all contact list topics.
    topicPreferences The contact's preferences for being opted-in to or opted-out of topics.
    attributesData The attribute data attached to a contact.
  • Give Amazon SES permission to read the Amazon S3 object.

    When applied to an Amazon S3 bucket, the following policy gives Amazon SES permission to read that bucket. For more information about attaching policies to Amazon S3 buckets, see Using Bucket Policies and User Policies in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

    { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AllowSESGet", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET-NAME/OBJECT-NAME", "Condition": { "StringEquals": { "aws:Referer": "AWSACCOUNTID" } } } ] }
  • Give Amazon SES permission to use your AWS KMS key.

    If the Amazon S3 object is encrypted with an AWS KMS key, you need to give Amazon SES permission to use the KMS key. Amazon SES can only attain permission from a customer managed key, not a default KMS key. You must give Amazon SES permission to use the customer managed key by adding a statement to the key's policy.

    Paste the following policy statement into the key policy to permit Amazon SES to use your customer managed key.

    { "Sid": "AllowSESToDecrypt", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service":"" }, "Action": [ "kms:Decrypt", ], "Resource": "*" }
  • Use the CreateImportJob operation in the Amazon SES API v2.


The following example assumes that you've already installed the AWS CLI. For more information about installing and configuring the AWS CLI, see the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.

At the command line, enter the following command. Replace s3bucket withe the name of the Amazon S3 bucket and s3object with the name of the Amazon S3 object name.

aws sesv2 create-import-job --import-destination ContactListDestination={ContactListName=ExampleContactListName,ContactListImportAction=PUT} --import-data-source S3Url="s3://s3bucket/s3object",DataFormat=CSV

List management walkthrough with examples

The following walkthrough provides examples of how you can use list management to list your contacts, utilize ListManagementOptions to specify a contact list and topic name in your email, and how to insert unsubscribe links.

  1. List contacts by using the AWS CLI – You can use the ListContacts operation to retrieve a list of all your contacts who have subscribed to a particular topic, in conjunction with the SendEmail operation, which allows you to send them emails.

    At the command line, enter the following command:

    aws sesv2 list-contacts --cli-input-json file://LIST-CONTACTS-JSON

    In the preceding command, replace LIST-CONTACTS-JSON with the path to your JSON file for your ListContacts request.

    An example ListContacts input JSON file for the request is as follows:

    { "ContactListName": "ExampleContactListName", "Filter": { "FilteredStatus": "OPT_IN", "TopicFilter": { "TopicName": "Cycling", "UseDefaultIfPreferenceUnavailable": true } }, "PageSize": 50 }

    The FilteredStatus shows the subscription status for which you want to filter, which is either OPT_IN or OPT_OUT.

    The TopicFilter is an optional filter which specifies which topic you want results for, and in the example above, that is "Cycling."

    UseDefaultIfPreferenceUnavailable can have a value of true or false. If true, the topic default preference will be used if the contact doesn’t have any explicit preference for a topic. If false, only contacts with an explicitly set preference are considered for filtering.

  2. Send mail with ListManagementOptions enabled – After listing the contacts in your list using the above ListContacts operation, you can use the SendEmail operation to send emails to each of your contacts by utilizing the ListManagementOptions header to specify your contact list and topic name.

    To use ListManagementOptions with the SendEmail operation, include the contactListName and topicName to which the email belongs (the topicName is optional):

    ListManagementOptions: String contactListName String topicName

    If you include ListManagementOptions in your SendEmail request to a recipient email address that is not on your contact list, then a contact will be created on your list automatically.

    Amazon SES will bounce an email if it is sent to an unsubscribed contact on your contact list, which means you won’t need to update your SendEmail requests to avoid sending to contacts who have unsubscribed.

  3. Indicate the location for your unsubscribe links – When utilizing ListManagementOptions you have the option to enable Amazon SES to add unsubscribe footer links in your email using the {{amazonSESUnsubscribeUrl}} placeholder to specify where SES needs to insert the unsubscribe URL. Placeholder replacement is supported only for HTML and TEXT content types. You can include the placeholder two times maximum. If used more than two times, only the first two occurrences are replaced. For more information, see Using subscription management.

    Alternatively, if you're using the SMTP interface to send email, you can use the X-SES-LIST-MANAGEMENT-OPTIONS header to specify a list and topic name.

    To specify a list and topic name while sending email using the SMTP interface, add the following email header to your message:

    X-SES-LIST-MANAGEMENT-OPTIONS: {contactListName}; topic={topicName}