Create a signing job for Lambda in AWS Signer - AWS Signer

Create a signing job for Lambda in AWS Signer

To start a signing job, you need to specify the following:

  • The source S3 bucket of the IoT code or Lambda zip file to be signed

  • A signing profile

  • The destination S3 bucket for the signed file

A signing job has a status of InProgress while it is being processed, and after completion, the status changes to Succeeded. If Signer is unable to generate a signature, the signing job updates to Failed. Signing fails for a zip file if the file is empty, already has a signature, or is malformed.

To perform a signing job (console)
  1. Log into the AWS Signer console.

  2. Choose Start signing jobs.

  3. From the list of profiles, choose a signing profile to perform code signing for your Lambda application.

  4. Do either of the following:

    • For Code asset source location, enter the URL for the Amazon S3 bucket that contains your code.

    • Choose Browse, and locate the S3 bucket that contains your code.


    Be sure your file is in zip format. The AWS Signer console does not accept other file formats.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • In the Signature Destination path with Prefix, enter the URL for the S3 bucket where you store your signed code.

    • Choose Browse and locate the S3 bucket that stores your signed code.

  6. Choose Start.

    AWS Signer updates the Manage signing jobs page with your new profile, and displays the following information:

    • Job ID – The generated ID number

    • Profile name – The name of the profile

    • Signing status – The signing status of the job

    • Revocation status – The status of the revocation if any

  7. If you receive a Failed under Signing status, return to the list of the signing jobs, and choose Failed to see the details of the signing job.

The Signing job details page lists the following information:

  • Job ID – The identifier of the signing job

  • Signing profile used – The signing profile used for the job

  • Version of signing profiles used – The version of the signing profile used for the job

  • Requested by – Identity of the requester of the job

  • Signing platform – The signing platform used for the job (Lambda only)

  • Signing status – The status of the job as either Successful or Failed

  • Status reason – Explanation for the failure if the signing job failed

  • Started at – The time and date that the signing job started

  • Completed at – The time and date that the job ended

The Code assets details displays additional information:

  • Code asset source bucket – The S3 source bucket of the code file used

  • Code asset source key – The name of the code file used for signing code

  • Code asset source version – The version of the code file

To perform a signing job (AWS CLI)

Use the following command to start a signing job:

To get the status of a particular signing job, use the following command:

For a list of all available signing jobs, including those in the Failed state, use the following command:

To perform a signing job (API)

Following API actions can be used to run and track signing jobs.

For more information about configurations and parameters related to signing jobs, see SigningJob in the AWS Signer API Reference.