Delete groups in IAM Identity Center - AWS IAM Identity Center

Delete groups in IAM Identity Center

When you delete a group in your IAM Identity Center directory, it removes access to AWS accounts and applications for all users who are members of this group. After a group is deleted it cannot be undone. Use the following procedure to delete a group in your Identity Center directory using the IAM Identity Center console.

To delete a group in IAM Identity Center

The instructions on this page apply to AWS IAM Identity Center. They do not apply to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). IAM Identity Center users, groups, and user credentials are different from IAM users, groups, and IAM user credentials. If you are looking for instructions on deleting groups in IAM, see Deleting an IAM user group in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

  1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.

  2. Choose Groups.

  3. There are two ways you can delete a group:

    • On the Groups page, you can select multiple groups for deletion. Select the group name that you want to delete and choose Delete group.

    • Choose the group name that you want to delete. On the group details page, choose Delete group.

  4. You might be asked to confirm your intent to delete the group.

    • If you delete multiple groups at once, confirm your intent by typing Delete in the Delete group dialog box.

    • If you delete a single group that contains users, confirm your intent by typing the name of the group you want to delete in the Delete group dialog box.

  5. Choose Delete group. If you selected multiple groups for deletion, choose Delete # groups.