Set up an Amazon Data Firehose event destination in AWS End User Messaging SMS - AWS End User Messaging SMS

Set up an Amazon Data Firehose event destination in AWS End User Messaging SMS

Amazon Data Firehose is a fully managed service for delivering real-time streaming data to multiple types of destinations. Amazon Data Firehose is part of the Kinesis streaming data platform. To learn more about Amazon Data Firehose, see the Amazon Data Firehose Developer Guide.

Some of the examples in this section assume that you've already installed and configured the AWS Command Line Interface. For more information about setting up the AWS CLI, see the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.


  1. Before you can create a Amazon Data Firehose event destination, you must first create a Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream. For more information about creating streams, see Creating an Amazon Data Firehose Delivery Stream in the Amazon Data Firehose Developer Guide.


    You will need the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Data Firehose delivery stream to create the event destination.

  2. You have to create an IAM role that allows AWS End User Messaging SMS to write to the delivery stream, see IAM policy for Amazon Data Firehose.


    You will need the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to create the event destination.

  3. You also have setup a configuration set to associate the event destinations with, see Create a configuration set in AWS End User Messaging SMS.