Opt-out list - Amazon Pinpoint SMS

Opt-out list

An opt-out list is list of destination phone numbers that should not have messages sent to them. When you send SMS messages, destination identities are automatically added to the opt-out list if they reply to your origination number with the keyword STOP (unless you enable the self-managed opt-out option). If you attempt to send a message to a destination number that is on an opt-out list, and the opt-out list is associated with the pool used to send the message, Amazon Pinpoint SMS doesn't attempt to send the message.

Manage opt-out lists

By default, when a pool is created it is assigned to the Default opt-out list. Pools can share the same opt-out list. When you change a pools opt-out list any recipients who previously opt-out might not be in the new list and start to receive messages. For more information on adding or removing destination phone numbers from an opt-out list, see Managing opt-out list phone numbers.

Change opt-out list (Console)

To change the opt-out list using the Amazon Pinpoint SMS console, follow these steps:

Change opt-out list
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint SMS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/sms-voice/.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Configurations, choose Phone pools.

  3. On the Phone Pools page, choose the pool.

  4. On the Opt-out list tab, choose Edit settings.

    • Create a new opt-out list – Create a new empty opt-out list and enter a friendly name.

    • Choose an existing opt-out list – Choose a previously created opt-out list from the dropdown.

  5. (Optional) To enable self-managed opt-outs choose Enable self-managed opt-out.

  6. Choose Save changes.

Change opt-out list (AWS CLI)

You can use the update-pool command to change the opt-out list used by the pool.

At the command line, enter the following command:

$ aws pinpoint-sms-voice-v2 update-pool --pool-id poolid --opt-out-list-name OptOutListName

In the preceding command, make the following changes:

  • Replace poolid with the poolID or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the pool.

  • Replace OptOutListName with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or opt-out list name.

Self managed opt-outs

By default, when a customer sends a message that begins with HELP or STOP to one of your dedicated numbers, Amazon Pinpoint SMS automatically replies with a customizable message. In the case of incoming STOP messages, Amazon Pinpoint SMS also opts the customer out of receiving future SMS messages. If you prefer to manage HELP and STOP responses by using a service other than Amazon Pinpoint SMS, you can enable self-managed opt-outs.

When you enable this feature, there are three changes to the way that Amazon Pinpoint SMS handles incoming messages that your customers sends. First, it stops sending automatic responses to incoming HELP and STOP messages. Second, Amazon Pinpoint SMS stops automatically opting your customers out of receiving future SMS and MMS messages when they send a STOP message. And finally, it routes incoming HELP and STOP messages to the Amazon SNS topic that you use to receive two-way SMS messages, rather than responding to the sender automatically.

If you enable this feature, you're responsible for responding to HELP and STOP requests. You're also responsible for tracking and honoring opt-out requests.


Many countries, regions, and jurisdictions impose severe penalties for sending unwanted SMS messages. If you enable this feature, make sure you have systems and processes in place for capturing and managing opt-out requests.


To enable self-managed opt-outs for a pool, you must first enable two-way SMS messaging. Self-managed opt-outs are not supported when using Amazon Connect for two-way SMS. For more information on using Amazon Connect with two-way SMS messaging, see Set up SMS messaging in the Amazon Connect administrator guide.

Turn on self managed opt-outs (Console)
  1. Open the Amazon Pinpoint SMS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/sms-voice/.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Configurations, choose Phone pools.

  3. On the Phone Pools page, choose the pool.

  4. On the Opt-out list tab, choose Edit settings.

  5. On the Opt-out management page, choose Enable self-managed opt-out and then Save changes.