Ordering a Snowball Edge device for use with Amazon EKS Anywhere on AWS Snow - AWS Snowball Edge Developer Guide

Ordering a Snowball Edge device for use with Amazon EKS Anywhere on AWS Snow

To order your Snowball Edge compute optimized or compute optimized with GPU device, see Creating a job to order a Snow Family device in this guide and keep these items in mind during the ordering process:

  • In step 1, choose the Local compute and storage only job type.

  • In step 2, choose the Snowball Edge Compute Optimized or Snowball Edge Compute Optimized with GPU device type.

  • In step 3, choose Amazon EKS Anywhere on AWS Snow, then choose the Kubernetes version that you need.


    In order to deliver the latest software, we may configure the device with a version of ESK Anywhere newer than the one that is currently available. For more info, Versioning in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

    We recommend that you create your Kubernetes cluster with the latest available Kubernetes version supported by Amazon EKS Anywhere. For more information, see Amazon EKS-Anywhere Versioning. If your application requires a specific version of Kubernetes, use any version of Kubernetes offered in standard or extended support by Amazon EKS. Consider the release and support dates of Kubernetes versions when planning the lifecycle of your deployment. This will help you avoid the potential loss of support for the version of Kubernetes you intend to use. For more information, see Amazon EKS Kubernetes release calendar.

  • Choose AMIs to include on your device, including the EKS Distro AMI (see Create an Ubuntu EKS Distro AMI) and, optionally, the Harbor AMI that you built (see Build a Harbor AMI).

  • If you need multiple Snowball Edge devices for high availability, choose the number of devices that you need from High Availability.

After you receive your Snowball Edge device or devices, configure Amazon EKS Anywhere according to Configuring and running Amazon EKS Anywhere on Snowball Edge devices.