Requesting sender IDs for SMS messaging with Amazon SNS - Amazon Simple Notification Service

Requesting sender IDs for SMS messaging with Amazon SNS


If you're new to SMS messaging with Amazon SNS, request a monthly SMS spending threshold that meets the expected demands of your SMS use case. By default, your monthly spending threshold is $1.00 (USD). You can request to increase your spending threshold in the same support case that includes your request for a sender ID. Or, if you prefer, you can open a separate case. For more information, see Requesting increases to your monthly SMS spending quota for Amazon SNS.

In SMS messaging, a sender ID is a name that appears as the message sender on recipients' devices. Sender IDs are a useful way to identify yourself to the recipients of your messages.

Support for sender IDs varies by country. For example, carriers in the United States don't support sender IDs at all, but carriers in India require senders to use sender IDs. For a complete list of countries that support sender IDs, see Amazon SNS supported countries and regions.


Some countries require you to register sender IDs before you use them to send messages. Depending on the country, this registration process might take several weeks. The countries that require pre-registered sender IDs are indicated in the table on the Supported Countries page.

You can use and register the same sender ID in multiple AWS Accounts for SMS messages. If you have enterprise support and are registering multiple templates across multiple accounts, follow the steps below, and work with your Technical Account Manager to ensure that your onboarding experience is coordinated.

If you're sending messages to recipients in a country where sender IDs are supported, and that country doesn't require you to register your sender ID, you don't have to perform any additional steps. You can start sending messages that include sender ID values immediately.

You only need to complete the procedures on this page if you plan to send messages to a country where registration of sender IDs is required.

Step 1: Open an Amazon SNS SMS case

If you plan to send messages to recipients a country where sender IDs are required, you can request a sender ID by creating a new case in the AWS Support Center.


If you plan to send messages to recipients in a country where sender IDs are allowed but not required, you don't need to open a case in the Support Center. You can start sending messages that use sender IDs immediately.

To request a sender ID
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console at

  2. On the Support menu, choose Support Center.

  3. On the Your support cases pane, choose Create case.

  4. Choose the Looking for service limit increases? link, then complete the following:

    • For Limit type, choose Pinpoint SMS.

    • (Optional) For Provide a link to the site or app which will be sending SMS messages, identify the website or application where your audience members opt-in to receive your SMS messages.

    • (Optional) For What type of messages do you plan to send, choose the type of message that you plan to send using your long code:

      • One Time Password – Messages that provide passwords that your customers use to authenticate with your website or application.

      • Promotional – Noncritical messages that promote your business or service, such as special offers or announcements.

      • Transactional – Important informational messages that support customer transactions, such as order confirmations or account alerts. Transactional messages must not contain promotional or marketing content.

    • (Optional) For Which AWS Region will you be sending messages from, choose the AWS Region that you'll be sending SMS messages from.

    • (Optional) For Which countries do you plan to send messages to, enter the countries where you want to register a sender ID. Support for sender IDs and sender ID registration requirements vary by country. For more information, see Amazon SNS supported countries and regions.

      If the list of countries exceeds the number of characters allowed by this text box, you can instead list the countries in the Case description section.

    • (Optional) In the How do your customers opt to receive messages from you, provide a description of how your customers opt-in to receive messages from you.

    • (Optional) In the Please provide the message template that you plan to use to send messages to your customers field, include any message templates that you will be using.

  5. Under Requests, complete the following sections:

    • For the Region, choose the AWS Region for your sender ID.


      The Region is required in the Requests section. Even if you provided this information in the Case details section you must also include it here.

    • For Resource Type, choose General Limits.

    • For Limit, choose SMS Production Access.

  6. For New limit value, choose the number of sender IDs that you're requesting. Typically, this value is 1.

  7. (Optional) If you want to submit any further requests, choose Add another request. For the required information, see the other sections within Requesting support for SMS messaging with Amazon SNS.

  8. Under Case description, for Use case description, provide the following details:

    • The sender ID that you want to register.

    • The template that you plan to use for your SMS messages.

    • The number of messages that you plan to send to each recipient per month.

    • Information about how your customers opt in to receiving messages from you.

    • The name of your company or organization.

    • The address that's associated with your company or organization.

    • The country where your company or organization is based.

    • A phone number for your company or organization.

    • The URL of the website for your company or organization.

  9. Under Contact options, for Preferred contact language, choose the language in which you want to receive communications for this case.

  10. When you finish, choose Submit.

After we receive your request, we provide an initial response within 24 hours. We might contact you to request additional information. If we're able to provide you with a Sender ID, we send you an estimate of the amount of time that's required to provision it.

In order to prevent our systems from being used to send unsolicited or malicious content, we have to consider each request carefully. We might not be able to grant your request if your use case doesn't align with our policies.

Step 2: Update your SMS settings in the Amazon SNS console

When we complete the process of obtaining your sender ID, we respond to your case. When you receive this notification, complete the steps in this section to configure Amazon SNS to use your sender ID as the default sender ID for all messages sent using your account. Alternatively, you can choose to specify which sender ID to use when publishing the message.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SNS console.

  2. On the navigation panel, choose Mobile, and then choose Text messaging (SMS).

  3. In the Text messaging preferences section, choose Edit.

  4. In the Details section, in the Default sender ID field, enter the provided sender ID to be used as the default for all messages from your account.

  5. When you finish, choose Save changes.

Next steps

You've registered a sender ID and updated your settings in the Amazon SNS console. Now you can use Amazon SNS to send SMS messages with your sender ID. SMS recipients in supported countries will see your sender ID as the message sender on their devices. If a different sender ID is used when publishing messages, it will override the default ID configured here.