Anonymized data collection
This solution includes an option to send anonymized operational metrics to AWS. We use this data to better understand how customers use this solution and related services and products. When enabled, the following information is collected and sent to AWS:
Solution ID - The AWS solution identifier
Unique ID (UUID) - Randomly generated, unique identifier for each AWS Security Hub Response and Remediation deployment
Timestamp - Data collection timestamp
Instance Data - Information about this stack deployment
CloudWatchMetricsDashboardEnabled -
if CloudWatch Metrics and Dashboard are enabled during deployment -
Status - Deployment status (passed or failed solution) or (passed or failed remediation)
Error message - The generic error message in the status field
Generator_id - Security Hub rule information
Type - Remediation type and name
productArn - The Region where Security Hub is deployed
finding_triggered_by - The type of remediation performed (custom action or automated trigger)
AWS owns the data gathered through this survey. Data collection is subject to the AWS Privacy Notice
Download the AWS CloudFormation template
to your local hard drive. Open the AWS CloudFormation template with a text editor.
Modify the AWS CloudFormation template mapping section from:
Mappings: Solution: Data: SendAnonymizedUsageData: 'Yes'
Mappings: Solution: Data: SendAnonymizedUsageData: 'No'
Sign in to the AWS CloudFormation console
. Select Create stack.
On the Create stack page, Specify template section, select Upload a template file.
Under Upload a template file, choose Choose file and select the edited template from your local drive.
Choose Next and follow the steps in Launch the stack in the Automated deployment section of this guide.