Deployment process overview - Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS

Deployment process overview

Before you launch the solution, review the cost, architecture, security, and other considerations discussed in this guide. Follow the step-by-step instructions in this section to configure and deploy the solution into your account.

Time to deploy: Approximately eight minutes for the AWSAccelerator-Installer CloudFormation stack and 45 minutes for the initial run of the AWSAccelerator-Pipeline pipeline.


If you have previously deployed this solution, refer to Update the solution for update instructions.

Use the following steps to deploy this solution on AWS. For detailed instructions, follow the links for each step.

Step 1. Launch the stack

  • Launch the AWS CloudFormation template into your AWS account.

  • Review the templates parameters and enter or adjust the default values as needed.

Step 2. Await initial environment deployment

  • Await successful completion of AWSAccelerator-Pipeline pipeline.

Step 3. Update the configuration files

  • Navigate to the aws-accelerator-config CodeCommit repository.

  • Update the configuration files to match the desired state of your environment.

  • Release a change manually to the AWSAccelerator-Pipeline pipeline.