Using Amazon CloudWatch Metrics - AWS Storage Gateway

Using Amazon CloudWatch Metrics

You can get monitoring data for your Tape Gateway by using either the AWS Management Console or the CloudWatch API. The console displays a series of graphs based on the raw data from the CloudWatch API. The CloudWatch API can also be used through one of the Amazon AWS Software Development Kits (SDKs) or the Amazon CloudWatch API tools. Depending on your needs, you might prefer to use either the graphs displayed in the console or retrieved from the API.

Regardless of which method you choose to use to work with metrics, you must specify the following information:

  • The metric dimension to work with. A dimension is a name-value pair that helps you to uniquely identify a metric. The dimensions for Storage Gateway are GatewayId and GatewayName. In the CloudWatch console, you can use the Gateway Metrics view to easily select gateway-specific and tape-specific dimensions. For more information about dimensions, see Dimensions in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

  • The metric name, such as ReadBytes.

The following table summarizes the types of Storage Gateway metric data that are available to you.

Amazon CloudWatch Namespace Dimension Description
AWS/StorageGateway GatewayId, GatewayName

These dimensions filter for metric data that describes aspects of the Tape Gateway. You can identify a Tape Gateway to work with by specifying both the GatewayId and the GatewayName dimensions.

Throughput and latency data of a Tape Gateway is based on all the virtual tapes in the Tape Gateway.

Data is available automatically in 5-minute periods at no charge.

Working with gateway and tape metrics is similar to working with other service metrics. You can find a discussion of some of the most common metrics tasks in the CloudWatch documentation listed following: