AWSConfigRemediation-DeleteUnusedEBSVolume - AWS Systems Manager Automation runbook reference



The AWSConfigRemediation-DeleteUnusedEBSVolume runbook deletes an unused Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume.

Run this Automation (console)

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Linux, macOS, Windows


  • AutomationAssumeRole

    Type: String

    Description: (Required) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that allows Systems Manager Automation to perform the actions on your behalf.

  • CreateSnapshot

    Type: Boolean

    Description: (Optional) If set to true , the automation creates a snapshot of the Amazon EBS volume before it is deleted.

  • VolumeId

    Type: String

    Description: (Required) The ID of the Amazon EBS volume that you want to delete.

Required IAM permissions

The AutomationAssumeRole parameter requires the following actions to use the runbook successfully.

  • ssm:StartAutomationExecution

  • ssm:GetAutomationExecution

  • ec2:CreateSnapshot

  • ec2:DeleteVolume

  • ec2:DescribeSnapshots

  • ec2:DescribeVolumes

Document Steps

  • aws:executeScript - Verifies the Amazon EBS volume you specify in the VolumeId parameter is not in use, and creates a snapshot depending on the value you choose for the CreateSnapshot parameter.

  • aws:branch - Branches based on the value you chose for the CreateSnapshot parameter.

  • aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty - Waits for the snapshot to complete.

  • aws:executeAwsApi - Deletes the snapshot if the snapshot creation failed.

  • aws:executeAwsApi - Deletes the Amazon EBS volume you specify in the VolumeId parameter.

  • aws:executeScript - Verifies the Amazon EBS volume has been deleted.