AWS-ConfigureMaintenanceWindows - AWS Systems Manager Automation runbook reference



The AWS-ConfigureMaintenanceWindows runbook helps you to enable or disable multiple Systems Manager maintenance windows.

Run this Automation (console)

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Linux, macOS, Windows


  • AutomationAssumeRole

    Type: String

    Description: (Optional) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that allows Systems Manager Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses the permissions of the user that starts this runbook.

  • MaintenanceWindows

    Type: StringList

    Description: (Required) A comma-separated list of the IDs of the maintenance windows you want to enable or disable.

  • MaintenanceWindowsStatus

    Type: String

    Valid values: "True" | "False"

    Default: "False"

    Description: (Required) Determines whether maintenance windows are enabled or disabled. Specify "True" to enable maintenance windows, and "False" to disable them.

Required IAM permissions

The AutomationAssumeRole parameter requires the following actions to use the runbook successfully.

  • ssm:GetMaintenanceWindow

  • ssm:UpdateMaintenanceWindow

Document Steps

  • aws:executeScript - Gathers the status of the maintenance windows you specify in the MaintenanceWindows parameter, and enables or disables the maintenance windows.