Tutorial: Create a patch baseline for installing Windows Service Packs using the console - AWS Systems Manager

Tutorial: Create a patch baseline for installing Windows Service Packs using the console

When you create a custom patch baseline, you can specify that all, some, or only one type of supported patch is installed.

In patch baselines for Windows, you can select ServicePacks as the only Classification option in order to limit patching updates to Service Packs only. Service Packs can be installed automatically by Patch Manager, a tool in AWS Systems Manager, provided that the update is available in Windows Update or Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).

You can configure a patch baseline to control whether Service Packs for all Windows versions are installed, or just those for specific versions, such as Windows 7 or Windows Server 2016.

Use the following procedure to create a custom patch baseline to be used exclusively for installing all Service Packs on your Windows managed nodes.

To create a patch baseline for installing Windows Service Packs (console)
  1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Patch Manager.

  3. Choose the Patch baselines tab, and then choose Create patch baseline.

  4. For Name, enter a name for your new patch baseline, for example, MyWindowsServicePackPatchBaseline.

  5. (Optional) For Description, enter a description for this patch baseline.

  6. For Operating system, choose Windows.

  7. If you want to begin using this patch baseline as the default for Windows as soon as you create it, select Set this patch baseline as the default patch baseline for Windows Server instances .


    This option is available only if you first accessed Patch Manager before the patch policies release on December 22, 2022.

    For information about setting an existing patch baseline as the default, see Setting an existing patch baseline as the default.

  8. In the Approval rules for operating systems section, use the fields to create one or more auto-approval rules.

    • Products: The operating system versions that the approval rule applies to, such as WindowsServer2012. You can choose one, more than one, or all supported versions of Windows. The default selection is All.

    • Classification: Choose ServicePacks.

    • Severity: The severity value of patches the rule is to apply to. To ensure that all Service Packs are included by the rule, choose All.

    • Auto-approval: The method for selecting patches for automatic approval.

      • Approve patches after a specified number of days: The number of days for Patch Manager to wait after a patch is released or updated before a patch is automatically approved. You can enter any integer from zero (0) to 360. For most scenarios, we recommend waiting no more than 100 days.

      • Approve patches released up to a specific date: The patch release date for which Patch Manager automatically applies all patches released or updated on or before that date. For example, if you specify July 7, 2023, no patches released or last updated on or after July 8, 2023, are installed automatically.

    • (Optional) Compliance reporting: The severity level you want to assign to Service Packs approved by the baseline, such as High.


      If you specify a compliance reporting level and the patch state of any approved Service Pack is reported as Missing, then the patch baseline's overall reported compliance severity is the severity level you specified.

  9. (Optional) For Manage tags, apply one or more tag key name/value pairs to the patch baseline.

    Tags are optional metadata that you assign to a resource. Tags allow you to categorize a resource in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, or environment. For this patch baseline dedicated to updating Service Packs, you could specify key-value pairs such as the following:

    • Key=OS,Value=Windows

    • Key=Classification,Value=ServicePacks

  10. Choose Create patch baseline.