Connecting to Timestream for InfluxDB through a VPC endpoint - Amazon Timestream

Connecting to Timestream for InfluxDB through a VPC endpoint

You can connect directly to Timestream for InfluxDB through a private interface endpoint in your virtual private cloud (VPC). When you use an interface VPC endpoint, communication between your VPC and Timestream for InfluxDB is conducted entirely within the AWS network.

Timestream for InfluxDB supports Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoints powered by AWS PrivateLink. Each VPC endpoint is represented by one or more Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs) with private IP addresses in your VPC subnets.

The interface VPC endpoint connects your VPC directly to Timestream for InfluxDB without an internet gateway, NAT device, VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection. The instances in your VPC do not need public IP addresses to communicate with Timestream for InfluxDB.


Timestream for InfluxDB supports VPC endpoints and VPC endpoint policies in all AWS Regions in which Timestream for InfluxDB is supported.

Considerations for Timestream for InfluxDB VPC endpoints

Before you set up an interface VPC endpoint for Timestream for InfluxDB, review the Interface endpoint properties and limitations topic in the AWS PrivateLink Guide.

Timestream for InfluxDB support for a VPC endpoint includes the following.

Creating a VPC endpoint for Timestream for InfluxDB

You can create a VPC endpoint for Timestream for InfluxDB by using the Amazon VPC console or the Amazon VPC API. For more information, see Create an interface endpoint in the AWS PrivateLink Guide.

  • To create a VPC endpoint for Timestream for InfluxDB, use the following service name:


    For example, in the US West (Oregon) Region (us-west-2), the service name would be:

To make it easier to use the VPC endpoint, you can enable a private DNS name for your VPC endpoint. If you select the Enable DNS Name option, the standard Timestream for InfluxDB DNS hostname resolves to your VPC endpoint. For example, would resolve to a VPC endpoint connected to service name

This option makes it easier to use the VPC endpoint. The AWS SDKs and AWS CLI use the standard Timestream for InfluxDB DNS hostname by default, so you do not need to specify the VPC endpoint URL in applications and commands.

For more information, see Accessing a service through an interface endpoint in the AWS PrivateLink Guide.

Connecting to an Timestream for InfluxDB VPC endpoint

You can connect to Timestream for InfluxDB through the VPC endpoint by using an AWS SDK, the AWS CLI or AWS Tools for PowerShell. To specify the VPC endpoint, use its DNS name.

If you enabled private hostnames when you created your VPC endpoint, you do not need to specify the VPC endpoint URL in your CLI commands or application configuration. The standard Timestream for InfluxDB DNS hostname resolves to your VPC endpoint. The AWS CLI and SDKs use this hostname by default, so you can begin using the VPC endpoint to connect to an Timestream for InfluxDB regional endpoint without changing anything in your scripts and applications.

To use private hostnames, the enableDnsHostnames and enableDnsSupport attributes of your VPC must be set to true. To set these attributes, use the ModifyVpcAttribute operation. For details, see View and update DNS attributes for your VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

Controlling access to a VPC endpoint

To control access to your VPC endpoint for Timestream for InfluxDB, attach a VPC endpoint policy to your VPC endpoint. The endpoint policy determines whether principals can use the VPC endpoint to call Timestream for InfluxDB operations on Timestream for InfluxDB resources.

You can create a VPC endpoint policy when you create your endpoint, and you can change the VPC endpoint policy at any time. Use the VPC management console, or the CreateVpcEndpoint or ModifyVpcEndpoint operations. You can also create and change a VPC endpoint policy by using an AWS CloudFormation template. For help using the VPC management console, see Create an interface endpoint and Modifying an interface endpoint in the AWS PrivateLink Guide.


Timestream for InfluxDB supports VPC endpoint policies beginning in July 2020. VPC endpoints for Timestream for InfluxDB that were created before that date have the default VPC endpoint policy, but you can change it at any time.

About VPC endpoint policies

For an Timestream for InfluxDB request that uses a VPC endpoint to be successful, the principal requires permissions from two sources:

  • A IAM policy must give principal permission to call the operation on the resource.

  • A VPC endpoint policy must give the principal permission to use the endpoint to make the request.

Default VPC endpoint policy

Every VPC endpoint has a VPC endpoint policy, but you are not required to specify the policy. If you don't specify a policy, the default endpoint policy allows all operations by all principals on all resources over the endpoint.

However, for Timestream for InfluxDB resources, the principal must also have permission to call the operation from an IAM policy Therefore, in practice, the default policy says that if a principal has permission to call an operation on a resource, they can also call it by using the endpoint.

{ "Statement": [ { "Action": "*", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Resource": "*" } ] }

To allow principals to use the VPC endpoint for only a subset of their permitted operations, create or update the VPC endpoint policy.

Creating a VPC endpoint policy

A VPC endpoint policy determines whether a principal has permission to use the VPC endpoint to perform operations on a resource. For Timestream for InfluxDB resources, the principal must also have permission to perform the operations from a IAM policy,

Each VPC endpoint policy statement requires the following elements:

  • The principal that can perform actions

  • The actions that can be performed

  • The resources on which actions can be performed

The policy statement doesn't specify the VPC endpoint. Instead, it applies to any VPC endpoint to which the policy is attached. For more information, see Controlling access to services with VPC endpoints in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

AWS CloudTrail logs all operations that use the VPC endpoint.

Viewing a VPC endpoint policy

To view the VPC endpoint policy for an endpoint, use the VPC management console or the DescribeVpcEndpoints operation.

The following AWS CLI command gets the policy for the endpoint with the specified VPC endpoint ID.

Before using this command, replace the example endpoint ID with a valid one from your account.

$ aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoints \ --query 'VpcEndpoints[?VpcEndpointId==`vpc-endpoint-id`].[PolicyDocument]' --output text

Using a VPC endpoint in a policy statement

You can control access to Timestream for InfluxDB resources and operations when the request comes from VPC or uses a VPC endpoint. To do so, use one of the following global condition keys in a IAM policy.

  • Use the aws:sourceVpce condition key to grant or restrict access based on the VPC endpoint.

  • Use the aws:sourceVpc condition key to grant or restrict access based on the VPC that hosts the private endpoint.


Use caution when creating key policies and IAM policies based on your VPC endpoint. If a policy statement requires that requests come from a particular VPC or VPC endpoint, requests from integrated AWS services that use an Timestream for InfluxDB resource on your behalf might fail.

Also, the aws:sourceIP condition key is not effective when the request comes from an Amazon VPC endpoint. To restrict requests to a VPC endpoint, use the aws:sourceVpce or aws:sourceVpc condition keys. For more information, see Identity and access management for VPC endpoints and VPC endpoint services in the AWS PrivateLink Guide.

You can use these global condition keys to control access to operations like CreateDbInstance that don't depend on any particular resource.

Logging your VPC endpoint

AWS CloudTrail logs all operations that use the VPC endpoint. When a request to Timestream for InfluxDB uses a VPC endpoint, the VPC endpoint ID appears in the AWS CloudTrail log entry that records the request. You can use the endpoint ID to audit the use of your Timestream for InfluxDB VPC endpoint.

However, your CloudTrail logs don't include operations requested by principals in other accounts or requests for Timestream for InfluxDB operations on Timestream for InfluxDB resources and aliases in other accounts. Also, to protect your VPC, requests that are denied by a VPC endpoint policy, but otherwise would have been allowed, are not recorded in AWS CloudTrail.