Multi-factor authentication (MFA) in Toolkit for Visual Studio - AWS Toolkit with Amazon Q

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) in Toolkit for Visual Studio

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is additional security for your AWS accounts. MFA requires users to provide sign-in credentials and unique authentication from an AWS supported MFA mechanism when accessing AWS websites or services.

AWS supports a range of both virtual and hardware devices for MFA authentication. The following is an example of a virtual MFA device enabled through a smartphone application. For more information on MFA device options, see Using multi-factor authentication (MFA) in AWS in the IAM User Guide.

Step 1: Creating an IAM role to delegate access to IAM users

The following procedure describes how to set up role deligation for assigning permissions to an IAM user. For detailed information of role deligation, see the Creating a role to delegate permissions to an IAM user topic in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide.

  1. Go to the IAM console at

  2. Choose Roles in the navigation bar, and then choose Create Role.

  3. In the Create role page, choose Another AWS account.

  4. Enter your required Account ID and mark the Require MFA check box.


    To find your 12-digit account number (ID), go to the navigation bar in the console, and then choose Support, Support Center.

  5. Choose Next: Permissions.

  6. Attach existing policies to your role or create a new policy for it. The policies that you choose on this page determine which AWS services the IAM user can access with the Toolkit.

  7. After attaching policies, choose Next: Tags for the option of adding IAM tags to your role. Then choose Next: Review to continue.

  8. In the Review page, enter a required Role name (toolkit-role, for example). You can also add an optional Role description.

  9. Choose Create role.

  10. When the confirmation message displays ("The role toolkit-role has been created", for example), choose the name of the role in the message.

  11. In the Summary page, choose the copy icon to copy the Role ARN and paste it into a file. (You need this ARN when configuring the IAM user to assume the role.).

Step 2: Creating an IAM user that assumes the role's permissions

This step creates an IAM user without permissions so that an in-line policy can be added.

  1. Go to the IAM console at

  2. Choose Users in the navigation bar and then choose Add user.

  3. In the Add user page, enter a required User name (toolkit-user, for example) and mark the Programmatic access check box.

  4. Choose Next: Permissions, Next: Tags, and Next: Review to move through the next pages. You're not adding permissions at this stage because the user is going to assume the role's permissions.

  5. In the Review page, you're informed that This user has no permissions. Choose Create user.

  6. In the Success page, choose Download .csv to download the file containing the access key ID and secret access key. (You need both when defining the user's profile in the credentials file.)

  7. Choose Close.

Step 3: Adding a policy to allow the IAM user to assume the role

The following procedure creates an in-line policy that allows the user to assume the role (and that role's permissions).

  1. In the Users page of the IAM console, choose the IAM user you've just created (toolkit-user, for example).

  2. In the Permissions tab of the Summary page, choose Add inline policy.

  3. In the Create policy page, choose Choose a service, enter STS in Find a service, and then choose STS from the results.

  4. For Actions, start entering the term AssumeRole. Mark the AssumeRole check box when it appears.

  5. In the Resource section, ensure Specific is selected, and click Add ARN to restrict access.

  6. In the Add ARN(s) dialog box, for the Specify ARN for role add the ARN of the role you that you created in Step 1.

    After you add the role's ARN, the trusted account and role name associated with that role are displayed in Account and Role name with path.

  7. Choose Add.

  8. Back in the Create policy page, choose Specify request conditions (optional), mark the MFA required check box, and then choose close to confirm..

  9. Choose Review policy

  10. In Review policy page, enter a Name for the policy, and then choose Create policy.

    The Permissions tab displays the new inline policy attached directly to IAM user.

Step 4: Managing a virtual MFA device for the IAM user

  1. Download and install a virtual MFA application to your smartphone.

    For a list of supported applications, see the Multi-factor Authentication resource page.

  2. In the IAM console, choose Users from the navigation bar and then choose the user that's assuming a role (toolkit-user, in this case).

  3. In the Summary page, choose the Security credentials tab, and for Assigned MFA device choose Manage.

  4. In the Manage MFA device pane, choose Virtual MFA device, and then choose Continue.

  5. In the Set up virtual MFA device pane, choose Show QR code and then scan the code using the virtual MFA application that you installed on your smartphone.

  6. After you scan the QR code, the virtual MFA application generates one-time MFA codes. Enter two consecutive MFA codes in MFA code 1 and MFA code 2.

  7. Choose Assign MFA.

  8. Back in the Security credentials tab for the user, copy the ARN of the new Assigned MFA device.

    The ARN includes your 12-digit account ID and the format is similar to the following: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/toolkit-user. You need this ARN when defining the MFA profile in the next step.

Step 5: Creating profiles to allow MFA

The following procedure creates the profiles allowing MFA when accessing AWS services from the Toolkit for Visual Studio.

The profiles that you create include three pieces of information that you've copied and stored during the previous steps:

  • Access keys (access key ID and secret access key) for the IAM user

  • ARN of the role that's delegating permissions to the IAM user

  • ARN of the virtual MFA device that's assigned to the IAM user

In the AWS shared credential file or SDK Store that contain your AWS credentials, add the following entries:

[toolkit-user] aws_access_key_id = AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE aws_secret_access_key = wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY [mfa] source_profile = toolkit-user role_arn = arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/toolkit-role mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::111111111111:mfa/toolkit-user

There are two profiles defined in the example provided:

  • [toolkit-user] profile includes the access key and secret access key that were generated and saved when you created the IAM user in Step 2.

  • [mfa] profile defines how multi-factor authentication is supported. There are three entries:

    source_profile: Specifies the profile whose credentials are used to assume the role specified by this role_arn setting in this profile. In this case, it's the toolkit-user profile.

    role_arn: Specifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that you want to use to perform operations requested using this profile. In this case, it's the ARN for the role you created in Step 1.

    mfa_serial: Specifies the identification or serial number of the MFA device that the user must use when assuming a role. In this case, it's the ARN of the virtual device you set up in Step 3.