Working with Amazon S3 resources - AWS Toolkit for VS Code

Working with Amazon S3 resources

You can use Amazon S3 from the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code to view, manage, and edit your Amazon S3 buckets and other resources.

The following sections desribe how to work with Amazon S3 resources from the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code. For information about working with Amazon S3 objects, such as folders and files, from the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code, see the Working with S3 objects topic in this User Guide.

Creating an Amazon S3 bucket

  1. From the Toolkit explorer, open the context (right-click) menu for the S3 service, and choose Create Bucket.... Alternatively, choose the Create Bucket icon to open the Create Bucket dialog box.

  2. In the Bucket Name field, enter a valid name for the bucket.

    Press Enter to create the bucket and close the dialog box. Your new bucket is then displayed under the S3 service in the toolkit.


    Since Amazon S3 allows your bucket to be used as a URL that can be accessed publicly, the bucket name that you choose must be globally unique. If another account already created a bucket with the name that you want to use, you must use a different name.

    If you can't create a new bucket, check the AWS Toolkit Logs in the Output tab. If you attempt to use an invalid bucket name, a BucketAlreadyExists error occurs.

    For more information, see Bucket restrictions and limitations in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

Adding a folder to an Amazon S3 bucket

You can organize the contents of an S3 bucket by grouping your objects into folders. You can also create folders within folders.

  1. From the Toolkit explorer, expand the S3 service to view a list of your S3 resources.

  2. Choose the Create Folder icon to open the Create Folder dialog box. Or, open the context (right-click) menu for a bucket or folder, and then choose Create Folder.

  3. Enter a value into the Folder Name field and press Enter to create the folder and close the dialog box. Your new folder is displayed under the corresponding S3 resource in the toolkit menu.

Deleting an Amazon S3 bucket

When you delete an S3 bucket, you also delete the folders and objects that it contains. So, when you attempt to delete a bucket, you're asked to confirm that you want to delete it.

  1. From the toolkit main menu, expand the Amazon S3 service to view a list of your S3 resources.

  2. Open the context (right-click) menu for a bucket or folder, then choose Delete S3 Bucket.

  3. When you’re prompted, enter the bucket's name into the text field, and then press Enter to delete the bucket and close the confirmation prompt.


    If your bucket contains objects, it’s emptied before it's deleted. If you attempt to delete a large number of resources or objects at one time, it can take some time for them to be deleted. After they're deleted, you receive a notification that says that they're successfully deleted.