CallAnalyticsTranscriptResultStream - Amazon Transcribe


Contains detailed information about your real-time Call Analytics session. These details are provided in the UtteranceEvent and CategoryEvent objects.



One or more arguments to the StartStreamTranscription, StartMedicalStreamTranscription, or StartCallAnalyticsStreamTranscription operation was not valid. For example, MediaEncoding or LanguageCode used unsupported values. Check the specified parameters and try your request again.

Type: Exception

HTTP Status Code: 400

Required: No


Provides information on matched categories that were used to generate real-time supervisor alerts.

Type: CategoryEvent object

Required: No


A new stream started with the same session ID. The current stream has been terminated.

Type: Exception

HTTP Status Code: 409

Required: No


A problem occurred while processing the audio. Amazon Transcribe terminated processing.

Type: Exception

HTTP Status Code: 500

Required: No


Your client has exceeded one of the Amazon Transcribe limits. This is typically the audio length limit. Break your audio stream into smaller chunks and try your request again.

Type: Exception

HTTP Status Code: 429

Required: No


The service is currently unavailable. Try your request later.

Type: Exception

HTTP Status Code: 503

Required: No


Contains set of transcription results from one or more audio segments, along with additional information per your request parameters. This can include information relating to channel definitions, partial result stabilization, sentiment, issue detection, and other transcription-related data.

Type: UtteranceEvent object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: