Real-time Call Analytics output - Amazon Transcribe

Real-time Call Analytics output

Real-time Call Analytics transcripts are displayed in a turn-by-turn format by segment. They include category events, issue detection, sentiment, and PII identification and redaction. Category events allow you to set real-time alerts; see Creating real-time alerts for category matches for more information.

To increase accuracy and further customize your transcripts to your use case, such as including industry-specific terms, add custom vocabularies or custom language models to your Call Analytics request. To mask, remove, or tag words you don't want in your transcription results, such as profanity, add vocabulary filtering.

The following sections show examples of JSON output for real-time Call Analytics transcriptions.

Category events

Here's what a category match looks like in your transcription output. This example shows that the audio from the 19010 millisecond timestamp to the 22690 millisecond timestamp is a match to the 'network-complaint' category. In this case, the custom 'network-complaint' category required that the customer said "network issues" (exact word match).

"CategoryEvent": { "MatchedCategories": [ "network-complaint" ], "MatchedDetails": { "network issues" : { "TimestampRanges": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 9299375, "EndOffsetMillis": 7899375 } ] } } },

Issue detection

Here's what an issue detection match looks like in your transcription output. This example shows that the text from character 26 to character 62 describes an issue.

"UtteranceEvent": { ... "Transcript": "Wang Xiulan I'm tired of the network issues my phone is having.", ... "IssuesDetected": [ { "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 26, "EndOffsetChar": 62 } } ] },


Here's what sentiment analysis looks like in your transcription output.

"UtteranceEvent": { ... "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "Items": [{ ...

PII identification

Here's what PII identification looks like in your transcription output.

"Entities": [ { "Content": "Wang Xiulan", "Category": "PII", "Type": "NAME", "BeginOffsetMillis": 7999375, "EndOffsetMillis": 199375, "Confidence": 0.9989 } ],

PII redaction

Here's what PII redaction looks like in your transcription output.

"Content": "[NAME]. Hi, [NAME]. I'm [NAME] Happy to be helping you today.", "Redaction": { "RedactedTimestamps": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 32670, "EndOffsetMillis": 33343 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 33518, "EndOffsetMillis": 33858 }, { "BeginOffsetMillis": 34068, "EndOffsetMillis": 34488 } ] },

Compiled real-time Call Analytics output

For brevity, some content is replaced with ellipses in the following transcription output.

{ "CallAnalyticsTranscriptResultStream": { "BadRequestException": {}, "ConflictException": {}, "InternalFailureException": {}, "LimitExceededException": {}, "ServiceUnavailableException": {}, "UtteranceEvent": { "UtteranceId": "58c27f92-7277-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003", "ParticipantRole": "CUSTOMER", "IsPartial": false, "Transcript": "Wang Xiulan I'm tired of the network issues my phone is having.", "BeginOffsetMillis": 19010, "EndOffsetMillis": 22690, "Sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "Items": [{ "Content": "Wang", "BeginOffsetMillis": 379937, "EndOffsetMillis": 299375, "Type": "pronunciation", "Confidence": 0.9961, "VocabularyFilterMatch": false }, { "Content": "Xiulan", "EndOffsetMillis": 5899375, "BeginOffsetMillis": 3899375, "Type": "pronunciation", "Confidence": 0.9961, "VocabularyFilterMatch": false }, ... { "Content": "network", "EndOffsetMillis": 199375, "BeginOffsetMillis": 9299375, "Type": "pronunciation", "Confidence": 0.9961, "VocabularyFilterMatch": false }, { "Content": "issues", "EndOffsetMillis": 7899375, "BeginOffsetMillis": 5999375, "Type": "pronunciation", "Confidence": 0.9961, "VocabularyFilterMatch": false }, { "Content": "my", "EndOffsetMillis": 9199375, "BeginOffsetMillis": 7999375, "Type": "pronunciation", "Confidence": 0.9961, "VocabularyFilterMatch": false }, { "Content": "phone", "EndOffsetMillis": 199375, "BeginOffsetMillis": 9299375, "Type": "pronunciation", "Confidence": 0.9961, "VocabularyFilterMatch": false }, ... ], "Entities": [{ "Content": "Wang Xiulan", "Category": "PII", "Type": "NAME", "BeginOffsetMillis": 7999375, "EndOffsetMillis": 199375, "Confidence": 0.9989 }], "IssuesDetected": [{ "CharacterOffsets": { "BeginOffsetChar": 26, "EndOffsetChar": 62 } }] }, "CategoryEvent": { "MatchedCategories": [ "network-complaint" ], "MatchedDetails": { "network issues" : { "TimestampRanges": [ { "BeginOffsetMillis": 9299375, "EndOffsetMillis": 7899375 } ] } } } } }