Adding context - Amazon Verified Permissions

Adding context

Context is the information that's relevant to policy decisions, but not part of the identity of your principal, action, or resource. Access token claim are context. You might want to allow an action only from a set of source IP addresses, or only if your user has signed in with MFA. Your application has access to this contextual session data and must populate it to authorization requests. The context data in a Verified Permissions authorization request must be JSON-formatted in a contextMap element.

The examples that illustrate this content come from a sample policy store. To follow along, create the DigitalPetStore sample policy store in your testing environment.

The following context object declares one of each Cedar data type for an application based on the sample DigitalPetStore policy store.

"context": { "contextMap": { "MfaAuthorized": { "boolean": true }, "AccountCodes": { "set": [ { "long": 111122223333 }, { "long": 444455556666 }, { "long": 123456789012 } ] }, "UserAgent": { "string": "My UserAgent 1.12" }, "RequestedOrderCount": { "long": 4 }, "NetworkInfo": { "record": { "IPAddress": { "string": "" }, "Country": { "string": "United States of America" }, "SSL": { "boolean": true } } }, "approvedBy": { "entityIdentifier": { "entityId": "Bob", "entityType": "DigitalPetStore::User" } } } }
Data types in authorization context

A binary true or false value. In the example, the boolean value of true for MfaAuthenticated indicates that the customer has performed multi-factor authentication before requesting to view their order.


A collection of context elements. Set members can be all the same type, like in this example, or of different types, including a nested set. In the example, the customer is associated with 3 different accounts.


A sequence of letters, numbers, or symbols, enclosed in " characters. In the example, the UserAgent string represents the browser that the customer used to request to view their order.


An integer. In the example, the RequestedOrderCount indicates that this request is part of a batch that resulted from the customer asking to view four of their past orders.


A collection of attributes. You must declare these attributes in the request context. A policy store with a schema must include this entity and the attributes of the entity in the schema. In the example, the NetworkInfo record contains information about the user's originating IP, the geolocation of that IP as determined by the client, and encryption in transit.


A reference to an entity and attributes declared in the entities element of the request. In the example, the user's order was approved by employee Bob.

To test this example context in the example DigitalPetStore app, you must update your request entities, your policy store schema, and the static policy with the description Customer Role - Get Order.

Modifying DigitalPetStore to accept authorization context

Initially, DigitalPetStore is not a very complex policy store. It doesn't include any preconfigured policies or context attributes to support the context that we have presented. To evaluate an example authorization request with this context information, make the following modifications to your policy store and your authorization request. For context examples with access token information as the context, see Mapping access tokens.


Apply the following updates to your policy store schema to support the new context attributes. Update GetOrder in actions as follows.

"GetOrder": { "memberOf": [], "appliesTo": { "resourceTypes": [ "Order" ], "context": { "type": "Record", "attributes": { "UserAgent": { "required": true, "type": "String" }, "approvedBy": { "name": "User", "required": true, "type": "Entity" }, "AccountCodes": { "type": "Set", "required": true, "element": { "type": "Long" } }, "RequestedOrderCount": { "type": "Long", "required": true }, "MfaAuthorized": { "type": "Boolean", "required": true } } }, "principalTypes": [ "User" ] } }

To reference the record data type named NetworkInfo in your request context, create a commonType construct in your schema as follows. A commonType construct is a shared set of attributes that you can apply to different entities.


The Verified Permissions visual schema editor currently doesn't support commonType constructs. When you add them to your schema, you can no longer view your schema in Visual mode.

"commonTypes": { "NetworkInfo": { "attributes": { "IPAddress": { "type": "String", "required": true }, "SSL": { "required": true, "type": "Boolean" }, "Country": { "required": true, "type": "String" } }, "type": "Record" } }

The following policy sets up conditions that must be fulfilled by each of the provided context elements. It builds on the existing static policy with the description Customer Role - Get Order. This policy initially only requires that the principal that makes a request is the owner of the resource.

permit ( principal in DigitalPetStore::Role::"Customer", action in [DigitalPetStore::Action::"GetOrder"], resource ) when { principal == resource.owner && context.MfaAuthorized == true && context.UserAgent like "*My UserAgent*" && context.RequestedOrderCount <= 4 && context.AccountCodes.contains(111122223333) && context.NetworkInfo.Country like "*United States*" && context.NetworkInfo.SSL == true && context.NetworkInfo.IPAddress like "192.0.2.*" && context.approvedBy in DigitalPetStore::Role::"Employee" };

We have now required that the request to retrieve an order meets the additional context conditions that we added to the request.

  1. The user must have signed in with MFA.

  2. The user's web browser User-Agent must contain the string My UserAgent.

  3. The user must have requested to view 4 or fewer orders.

  4. One of the user's account codes must be 111122223333.

  5. The user's IP address must originate in the United States, they must be on an encrypted session, and their IP address must begin with 192.0.2..

  6. An employee must have approved their order. In the entities element of the authorization request, we will declare a user Bob who has the role of Employee.

Request body

After you configure your policy store with the appropriate schema and policy, you can present this authorization request to the Verified Permissions API operation IsAuthorized. Note that the entities segment contains a definition of Bob, a user with a role of Employee.

{ "principal": { "entityType": "DigitalPetStore::User", "entityId": "Alice" }, "action": { "actionType": "DigitalPetStore::Action", "actionId": "GetOrder" }, "resource": { "entityType": "DigitalPetStore::Order", "entityId": "1234" }, "context": { "contextMap": { "MfaAuthorized": { "boolean": true }, "UserAgent": { "string": "My UserAgent 1.12" }, "RequestedOrderCount":{ "long": 4 }, "AccountCodes": { "set": [ {"long": 111122223333}, {"long": 444455556666}, {"long": 123456789012} ] }, "NetworkInfo": { "record": { "IPAddress": {"string": ""}, "Country": {"string": "United States of America"}, "SSL": {"boolean": true} } }, "approvedBy": { "entityIdentifier": { "entityId": "Bob", "entityType": "DigitalPetStore::User" } } } }, "entities": { "entityList": [ { "identifier": { "entityType": "DigitalPetStore::User", "entityId": "Alice" }, "attributes": { "memberId": { "string": "801b87f2-1a5c-40b3-b580-eacad506d4e6" } }, "parents": [ { "entityType": "DigitalPetStore::Role", "entityId": "Customer" } ] }, { "identifier": { "entityType": "DigitalPetStore::User", "entityId": "Bob" }, "attributes": { "memberId": { "string": "49d9b81e-735d-429c-989d-93bec0bcfd8b" } }, "parents": [ { "entityType": "DigitalPetStore::Role", "entityId": "Employee" } ] }, { "identifier": { "entityType": "DigitalPetStore::Order", "entityId": "1234" }, "attributes": { "owner": { "entityIdentifier": { "entityType": "DigitalPetStore::User", "entityId": "Alice" } } }, "parents": [] } ] }, "policyStoreId": "PSEXAMPLEabcdefg111111" }