Editing Amazon Verified Permissions identity sources - Amazon Verified Permissions

Editing Amazon Verified Permissions identity sources

You can edit some parameters of your identity source after you create it. You can't change the type of identity source, you have to delete the identity source and create a new one to switch from Amazon Cognito to OIDC or OIDC to Amazon Cognito. If your policy store schema matches your identity source attributes, note that you must update your schema separately to reflect the changes that you make to your identity source.

Amazon Cognito user pools identity source

AWS Management Console
To update an Amazon Cognito user pools identity source
  1. Open the Verified Permissions console. Choose your policy store.

  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Identity sources.

  3. Choose the ID of the identity source to edit.

  4. Choose Edit.

  5. In Cognito user pool details, select the AWS Region and type the User pool ID for your identity source.

  6. In Principal details, you can update the Principal type for the identity source. Identities from the connected Amazon Cognito user pools will be mapped to the selected principal type.

  7. In Group configuration, select Use Cognito groups if you want to map the user pool cognito:groups claim. Choose an entity type that is a parent of the principal type.

  8. In Client application validation, choose whether to validate client application IDs.

    • To validate client application IDs, choose Only accept tokens with matching client application IDs. Choose Add new client application ID for each client application ID to validate. To remove a client application ID that has been added, choose Remove next to the client application ID.

    • Choose Do not validate client application IDs if you do not want to validate client application IDs.

  9. Choose Save changes.

  10. If you changed the principal type for the identity source, you must update your schema to correctly reflect the updated principal type.

You can delete an identity source by choosing the radio button next to an identity source and then choosing Delete identity source. Type delete in the text box and then choose Delete identity source to confirm deleting the identity source.

To update an Amazon Cognito user pools identity source

You can update an identity source by using the UpdateIdentitySource operation. The following example updates the specified identity source to use a different Amazon Cognito user pool.

The following config.txt file contains the details of the Amazon Cognito user pool for use by the --configuration parameter in the create-identity-source command.

{ "cognitoUserPoolConfiguration": { "userPoolArn": "arn:aws:cognito-idp:us-west-2:123456789012:userpool/us-west-2_1a2b3c4d5", "clientIds":["a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j0kalbmc"], "groupConfiguration": { "groupEntityType": "MyCorp::UserGroup" } } }


$ aws verifiedpermissions update-identity-source \ --update-configuration file://config.txt \ --policy-store-id 123456789012 { "createdDate": "2023-05-19T20:30:28.214829+00:00", "identitySourceId": "ISEXAMPLEabcdefg111111", "lastUpdatedDate": "2023-05-19T20:30:28.214829+00:00", "policyStoreId": "PSEXAMPLEabcdefg111111" }

If you change the principal type for the identity source, you must update your schema to correctly reflect the updated principal type.

OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity source

AWS Management Console
To update an OIDC identity source
  1. Open the Verified Permissions console. Choose your policy store.

  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Identity sources.

  3. Choose the ID of the identity source to edit.

  4. Choose Edit.

  5. In OIDC provider details, change the Issuer URL as needed.

  6. In Map token claims to schema attributes, change the associations between user and group claims and policy store entity types, as needed. After you change entity types, you must update your policies and schema attributes to apply to the new entity types.

  7. In Audience validation, add or remove audience values that you want to enforce.

  8. Choose Save changes.

You can delete an identity source by choosing the radio button next to an identity source and then choosing Delete identity source. Type delete in the text box and then choose Delete identity source to confirm deleting the identity source.

To update an OIDC identity source

You can update an identity source by using the UpdateIdentitySource operation. The following example updates the specified identity source to use a different OIDC provider.

The following config.txt file contains the details of the Amazon Cognito user pool for use by the --configuration parameter in the create-identity-source command.

{ "openIdConnectConfiguration": { "issuer": "https://auth2.example.com", "tokenSelection": { "identityTokenOnly": { "clientIds":["2example10111213"], "principalIdClaim": "sub" }, }, "entityIdPrefix": "MyOIDCProvider", "groupConfiguration": { "groupClaim": "groups", "groupEntityType": "MyCorp::UserGroup" } } }


$ aws verifiedpermissions update-identity-source \ --update-configuration file://config.txt \ --policy-store-id 123456789012 { "createdDate": "2023-05-19T20:30:28.214829+00:00", "identitySourceId": "ISEXAMPLEabcdefg111111", "lastUpdatedDate": "2023-05-19T20:30:28.214829+00:00", "policyStoreId": "PSEXAMPLEabcdefg111111" }

If you change the principal type for the identity source, you must update your schema to correctly reflect the updated principal type.