Allows access to groups of entities - Amazon Verified Permissions

Allows access to groups of entities

This example shows how you might create a policy that allows anyone in the group alice_friends to view the photo VacationPhoto94.jpg.

permit( principal in Group::"alice_friends", action == Action::"view", resource == Photo::"VacationPhoto94.jpg" );

This example shows how you might create a policy that allows the user alice to view any photo in the album alice_vacation.

permit( principal == User::"alice", action == Action::"view", resource in Album::"alice_vacation" );

This example shows how you might create a policy that allows the user alice to view, edit, or delete any photo in the album alice_vacation.

permit( principal == User::"alice", action in [Action::"view", Action::"edit", Action::"delete"], resource in Album::"alice_vacation" );

This example shows how you might create a policy that allows permissions for the user alice in the album alice_vacation, where admin is a group defined in the schema hierarchy that contains the permissions to view, edit, and delete a photo.

permit( principal == User::"alice", action in PhotoflashRole::"admin", resource in Album::"alice_vacation" );

This example shows how you might create a policy that allows permissions for the user alice in the album alice_vacation, where viewer is a group defined in the schema hierarchy that contains the permission to view and comment on a photo. The user alice is also granted the edit permission by the second action listed in the policy.

permit( principal == User::"alice", action in [PhotoflashRole::"viewer", Action::"edit"], resource in Album::"alice_vacation" )