PERF05-BP05 Choose network protocols to improve performance - AWS Well-Architected Framework (2022-03-31)

PERF05-BP05 Choose network protocols to improve performance

Make decisions about protocols for communication between systems and networks based on the impact to the workload’s performance.

There is a relationship between latency and bandwidth to achieve throughput. If your file transfer is using TCP, higher latencies will reduce overall throughput. There are approaches to fix this with TCP tuning and optimized transfer protocols, some approaches use UDP.

Common anti-patterns:

  • You use TCP for all workloads regardless of performance requirements.

Benefits of establishing this best practice: Selecting the proper protocol for communication between workload components ensures that you are getting the best performance for that workload. Connection-less UDP allows for high speed, but it doesn't offer retransmission or high reliability. TCP is a full featured protocol, but it requires greater overhead for processing the packets.

Level of risk exposed if this best practice is not established: Medium

Implementation guidance

Optimize network traffic: Select the appropriate protocol to optimize the performance of your workload. There is a relationship between latency and bandwidth to achieve throughput. If your file transfer is using TCP, higher latencies reduce overall throughput. There are approaches to fix latency with TCP tuning and optimized transfer protocols, some which use UDP.


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