REL13-BP03 Test disaster recovery implementation to validate
the implementation
Regularly test failover to your recovery site to ensure proper operation, and that RTO and RPO are met.
A pattern to avoid is developing recovery paths that are rarely exercised. For example, you might have a secondary data store that is used for read-only queries. When you write to a data store and the primary fails, you might want to fail over to the secondary data store. If you don’t frequently test this failover, you might find that your assumptions about the capabilities of the secondary data store are incorrect. The capacity of the secondary, which might have been sufficient when you last tested, might be no longer be able to tolerate the load under this scenario. Our experience has shown that the only error recovery that works is the path you test frequently. This is why having a small number of recovery paths is best. You can establish recovery patterns and regularly test them. If you have a complex or critical recovery path, you still need to regularly exercise that failure in production to convince yourself that the recovery path works. In the example we just discussed, you should fail over to the standby regularly, regardless of need.
Common anti-patterns:
Never exercise failovers in production.
Benefits of establishing this best practice: Regularly testing you disaster recovery plan ensures that it will work when it needs to, and that your team knows how to execute the strategy.
Level of risk exposed if this best practice is not established: High
Implementation guidance
Engineer your workloads for recovery. Regularly test your recovery paths Recovery Oriented Computing identifies the characteristics in systems that enhance recovery. These characteristics are: isolation and redundancy, system-wide ability to roll back changes, ability to monitor and determine health, ability to provide diagnostics, automated recovery, modular design, and ability to restart. Exercise the recovery path to ensure that you can accomplish the recovery in the specified time to the specified state. Use your runbooks during this recovery to document problems and find solutions for them before the next test.
Use AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery to implement and launch drill instances for your DR strategy.
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