Operate - IoT Lens


In IoT, operational health goes beyond the operational health of the cloud application and extends to the ability to measure, monitor, troubleshoot, and remediate devices that are part of your application, but are remotely deployed in locations that may be difficult or impossible to troubleshoot locally. This requirement of remote operations must be considered at design and implementation time to ensure your ability to inspect, analyze, and act on metrics sent from these remote devices.

In IoT, you must establish the right baseline metrics of behavior for your devices, be able to aggregate and infer issues that are occurring across devices, and have a robust remediation plan that is not only performed in the cloud, but also part of your device firmware. You must implement a variety of device simulation canaries that continue to test common device interactions directly against your production system. Device canaries assist in narrowing down the potential areas to investigate when operational metrics are not met. Device canaries can be used to raise preemptive alarms when the canary metrics fall below your expected SLA.

In AWS, you can create an AWS IoT thing for each physical device in the device registry of AWS IoT Core. By creating a thing in the registry, you can associate metadata to devices, group devices, and configure security permissions for devices. An AWS IoT thing should be used to store static data in the thing registry while storing dynamic device data in the thing’s associated device shadow. A device's shadow is a JSON document that is used to store and retrieve state information for a device. 

Along with creating a virtual representation of your device in the device registry, as part of the operational process, you must create thing types that encapsulate similar static attributes that define your IoT devices. A thing type is analogous to the product classification for a device. The combination of thing, thing type, and device shadow can act as your first entry point for storing important metadata that will be used for IoT operations.

In AWS IoT, thing groups allow you to manage devices by category. Groups can also contain other groups — allowing you to build hierarchies. With organizational structure in your IoT application, you can quickly identify and act on related devices by device group. Leveraging the cloud allows you to automate the addition or removal of devices from groups based on your business logic and the lifecycle of your devices.

In IoT, your devices create telemetry or diagnostic messages that are not stored in the registry or the device’s shadow. Instead, these messages are delivered to AWS IoT using a number of MQTT topics. To make this data actionable, use the AWS IoT rules engine to route error messages to your automated remediation process and add diagnostic information to IoT messages. An example of how you would route a message that contained an error status code to a custom workflow is below. The rules engine inspects the status of a message and if it is an error, it starts the Step Function workflow to remediate the device based off the error message detail payload.

{ "sql": "SELECT * FROM 'command/iot/response’ WHERE code = 'error'", "ruleDisabled": false, "description": "Error Handling Workflow", "awsIotSqlVersion": "2016-03-23", "actions": [{ "stepFunctions": { "executionNamePrefix": "errorExecution", "stateMachineName": "errorStateMachine", "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/aws_iot_step_functions" } }] }

To support operational insights to your cloud application, generate dashboards for all metrics collected from the device broker of AWS IoT Core. These metrics are available through CloudWatch Metrics. In addition, CloudWatch Logs contain information such as total successful messages inbound, messages outbound, connectivity success, and errors.

To augment your production device deployments, implement IoT simulations on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) as device canaries across several AWS Regions. These device canaries are responsible for mirroring several of your business use cases, such as simulating error conditions like long-running transactions, sending telemetry, and implementing control operations. The device simulation framework must output extensive metrics, including but not limited to successes, errors, latency, and device ordering and then transmit all the metrics to your operations system.

In addition to custom dashboards, AWS IoT provides fleet-level and device-level insights driven from the thing registry and AWS IoT Device Shadow service through search capabilities such as AWS IoT fleet indexing. The ability to search across your fleet eases the operational overhead of diagnosing IoT issues, whether they occur at the device-level or fleet-wide level.