REL08-BP03 Integrate resiliency testing as part of your deployment - Reliability Pillar

REL08-BP03 Integrate resiliency testing as part of your deployment

Integrate resiliency testing by consciously introducing failures in your system to measure its capability in case of disruptive scenarios. Resilience tests are different from unit and function tests that are usually integrated in deployment cycles, as they focus on the identification of unanticipated failures in your system. While it is safe to start with resiliency testing integration in pre-production, set a goal to implement these tests in production as a part of your game days.

Desired outcome: Resiliency testing helps build confidence in the system's ability to withstand degradation in production. Experiments identify weak points that could lead to failure, which helps you improve your system to automatically and efficiently mitigate failure and degradation.

Common anti-patterns:

  • Lack of observability and monitoring in deployment processes

  • Reliance on humans to resolve system failures

  • Poor quality analysis mechanisms

  • Focus on known issues in a system and a lack of experimentation to identify any unknowns

  • Identification of failures, but no resolution

  • No documentation of findings and runbooks

Benefits of establishing best practices: Resilience testing integrated in your deployments helps to identify unknown issues in the system that otherwise go unnoticed, which can lead to downtime in production. Identification of these unknowns in a system helps you document findings, integrate testing into your CI/CD process, and build runbooks, which simplify mitigation through efficient, repeatable mechanisms.

Level of risk exposed if this best practice is not established: Medium

Implementation guidance

The most common resiliency testing forms that can be integrated in your system's deployments are disaster recovery and chaos engineering.

  • Include updates to your disaster recovery plans and standard operating procedures (SOPs) with any significant deployment.

  • Integrate reliability testing into your automated deployment pipelines. Services such asAWS Resilience Hubcan be integrated into your CI/CD pipeline to establish continuous resilience assessments that are automatically evaluated as part of every deployment.

  • Define your applications in AWS Resilience Hub. Resilience assessments generate code snippets that help you create recovery procedures as AWS Systems Manager documents for your applications and provide a list of recommended Amazon CloudWatch monitors and alarms.

  • Once your DR plans and SOPs are updated, complete disaster recovery testing to verify that they are effective. Disaster recovery testing helps you determine if you can restore your system after an event and return to normal operations. You can simulate various disaster recovery strategies and identify whether your planning is sufficient to meet your uptime requirements. Common disaster recovery strategies include backup and restore, pilot light, cold standby, warm standby, hot standby, and active-active, and they all differ in cost and complexity. Before disaster recovery testing, we recommend that you define your recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO) to simplify the choice of strategy to simulate. AWS offers disaster recovery tools like AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery to help you get started with your planning and testing.

  • Chaos engineering experiments introduce disruptions to the system, such as network outages and service failures. By simulating with controlled failures, you can discover your system's vulnerabilities while containing the impacts of the injected failures. Just like the other strategies, run controlled failure simulations in non-production environments using services like AWS Fault Injection Service to gain confidence before deploying in production.


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