Share invitations - AWS Well-Architected Tool

We have released a new version of the Well-Architected Framework. We also added new and updated lenses to the Lens Catalog. Learn more about the changes.

Share invitations

A share invitation is a request to share a workload, custom lens, or review template owned by another AWS account. A workload or lens can be shared with all users in an AWS account, individual users, or both.

  • If you accept a workload invitation, the workload is added to your Workloads and Dashboard pages.

  • If you accept a custom lens invitation, the lens is added to your Custom lenses page.

  • If you accept a profile invitation, the profile is added to your Profiles page.

  • If you accept a review template invitation, the template is added to your Review templates page.

If you reject the invitation, it's removed from the list.


Workloads, custom lenses, profiles, and review templates can only be shared within the same AWS Region.

The owner of the workload or custom lens controls who has shared access.

The Share invitations page, available from the left navigation, provides information about your pending workload and custom lens invitations.

The following information is displayed for each workload invitation:


The name of the workload, custom lens, or review template to be shared.

Resource type

The type of invitation, either Workload, Custom lens, Profiles, or Review template.


The AWS account ID that owns the workload.


The permission that you are being granted to the workload.

  • Read-Only

    Provides read-only access to the workload, custom lens, profiles, or review template.

  • Contributor

    Provides update access to answers and their notes, and read-only access to the rest of the workload. This permission is only available for workloads.

Permission details

Detailed description of the permission.

Accepting a share invitation

To accept a share invitation
  1. Select the share invitation to accept.

  2. Choose Accept.

For workload invitations, the workload is added to the Workloads and Dashboard pages. For custom lens invitations, the custom lens is added to the Custom lenses page. For profile invitations, the profile is added to the Profiles page. For review template invitations, the template is added to the Review templates page.

You have seven days to accept an invitation. If you do not accept the invitation within seven days, it's automatically expired.

If a user and their AWS account both have accepted workload invitations, the workload invitation for the user determines the user's permission.

Rejecting a share invitation

To reject a share invitation
  1. Select the workload or custom lens invitation to reject.

  2. Choose Reject.

The invitation is removed from the list.