Lens Catalog - AWS Well-Architected Tool

We have released a new version of the Well-Architected Framework. We also added new and updated lenses to the Lens Catalog. Learn more about the changes.

Lens Catalog

The Lens Catalog is a collection of official, AWS-created lenses in AWS WA Tool that offer up-to-date technology and industry-focused best practices. These lenses are available to all users and do not require any additional installation to use.

The following table describes all AWS official lenses currently available in the Lens Catalog.

Lens name Description

AWS Well-Architected Framework

Applied by default to all workloads. Collection of architectural best practices for designing and operating reliable, secure, efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable systems in the cloud.

Connected Mobility

Best practices for integrating technology into transportation systems and enhancing the overall mobility experience.

Container Build

Provides best practices on the container design and build process.

Data Analytics

Contains insights that AWS has gathered from real-world case studies, and helps you learn the key design elements of Well-Architected analytics workloads, along with recommendations for improvement.


Describes a structured approach that organizations of all sizes can follow to cultivate a high-velocity, security-focused culture capable of delivering substantial business value using modern technologies and DevOps best practices.

Financial Services Industry

Best practices for architecting your Financial Services Industry workloads on AWS.


Best practices for designing and delivering government services on AWS.

Healthcare Industry

Best practices and guidance for how to design, deploy, and manage your healthcare workloads in the AWS Cloud.


Best practices for managing your Internet of Things (IoT) workloads in AWS.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Best practices for workload integration and migration to the cloud during mergers and acquisitions.

Machine Learning

Best practices for managing your Machine Learning resources and workloads in AWS.


Best practices for how to migrate to the AWS Cloud.


Focused on designing, deploying, and architecting your software as a service (SaaS) workloads in the AWS Cloud.


Design principles and best practices for SAP workloads in the AWS Cloud.

Serverless Applications

Best practices for build serverless workloads on AWS. Covers scenarios such as RESTful microservices, mobile app backends, stream processing, and web applications.