Sharing a custom lens - AWS Well-Architected Tool

We have released a new version of the Well-Architected Framework. We also added new and updated lenses to the Lens Catalog. Learn more about the changes.

Sharing a custom lens

You can share a custom lens with other AWS accounts, users, AWS Organizations, and organization units (OUs).

To share a custom lens with other AWS accounts and users
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Well-Architected Tool console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Custom lenses.

  3. Select the custom lens to be shared and choose View details.

  4. On the Lens details page, choose Shares. Then choose Create and Create shares to users or accounts to create a lens share invitation.

  5. Enter the 12-digit AWS account ID or the ARN of the user that you want to share the custom lens with.

  6. Choose Create to send a lens share invitation to the specified AWS account or user.

You can share a custom lenses with up to 300 AWS accounts or users.

If the lens share invitation is not accepted within seven days, the invitation is automatically expired.


Before sharing a custom lens with an organization or organization units (OUs), you must enable AWS Organizations access.

To share a custom lens with your organization or OUs
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AWS Well-Architected Tool console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Custom lenses.

  3. Select the custom lens to be shared.

  4. On the Lens details page, choose Shares. Then choose Create and Create shares to Organizations.

  5. On the Create custom lens share page, choose whether to grant permissions to the entire organization, or to one or more OUs.

  6. Choose Create to share the custom lens.

To see who has shared access to a custom lens, choose Shares from the Lens details page.


By sharing your custom lenses with other AWS accounts, you acknowledge that AWS will make your custom lenses available to those other accounts. Those other accounts may continue to access and use your shared custom lenses even if you delete the custom lenses from your own AWS account or terminate your AWS account.