Right Sizing: Provisioning Instances to Match Workloads - Right Sizing: Provisioning Instances to Match Workloads

Right Sizing: Provisioning Instances to Match Workloads

Publication date: January 1, 2020 (Document History and Contributors)


This is one in a series of whitepapers designed to support your cloud journey. This paper seeks to empower you to maximize value from your investments, improve forecasting accuracy and cost predictability, create a culture of ownership and cost transparency, and continuously measure your optimization status.

This paper discusses how to provision instances to match your workload performance and capacity requirements to optimize costs.


Right sizing is the process of matching instance types and sizes to your workload performance and capacity requirements at the lowest possible cost. It’s also the process of looking at deployed instances and identifying opportunities to eliminate or downsize without compromising capacity or other requirements, which results in lower costs.

Right sizing is a key mechanism for optimizing AWS costs, but it is often ignored by organizations when they first move to the AWS Cloud. They lift and shift their environments and expect to right size later. Speed and performance are often prioritized over cost, which results in oversized instances and a lot of wasted spend on unused resources.