Connectivity models - Hybrid Connectivity

Connectivity models


The connectivity model refers to the communication pattern between on-premises network(s) and the cloud resources in AWS. You can deploy cloud resources within an Amazon VPC within a single AWS Region or multiple VPCs across multiple Regions, as well as AWS services which have a public endpoint in a single or multiple AWS Regions, such as Amazon S3 and DynamoDB.

Key questions

  • Is there a requirement for inter-VPC communication within a Region and across Regions?

  • Is there any requirement to access AWS public endpoints directly from on-premises?

  • Is there a requirement to access AWS services using VPC endpoints from on-premises?

Capabilities to consider

The following are some of the most common connectivity model scenarios. Each connectivity model covers requirements, attributes, and considerations.

Note: as highlighted earlier, this whitepaper is focused on the hybrid connectivity between on-premises networks and AWS. For further details on the design to interconnect VPCs, refer to the Building a Scalable and Secure Multi-VPC AWS Network Infrastructure whitepaper.