Editing with Hancom ThinkFree - Amazon WorkDocs

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Editing with Hancom ThinkFree

Hancom ThinkFree lets you create Microsoft Office files (.docx, .pptx, and .xlsx) from the Amazon WorkDocs web application. You can also co-author and collaboratively edit .docx, .doc, .pptx, .ppt, .xlsx, and .xls files.

When you edit a document with Hancom ThinkFree, other users with edit permissions can join the live collaborative session to edit the document with you in real time. Amazon WorkDocs automatically saves files edited with Hancom ThinkFree.


Hancom ThinkFree doesn't support all the features that Microsoft Office provides. For more information, see Unsupported features on the Hancom Office Online for Amazon WorkDocs site.

To use Hancom ThinkFree, your site administrator must enable the feature for your Amazon WorkDocs site. For more information, site administrators can see Enabling Hancom ThinkFree.

Creating a new file

Use Hancom ThinkFree to create new Microsoft Office files from the Amazon WorkDocs web application.

To create a new file with Hancom ThinkFree
  1. In the web application, choose Create.

  2. Choose the file type: Document, Spreadsheet, or Presentation.

    A blank file of the type you chose appears.

  3. Edit the file in the web application.

  4. When you finish editing, choose Save & Exit. Amazon WorkDocs saves the file with a generic name, such as New Document.

    1. Rename the file as needed. For more information, see Renaming folders.

Editing a file

Use Hancom ThinkFree to edit Microsoft Office files and join live collaborative editing sessions from the Amazon WorkDocs web application.

To edit an Office file with Hancom ThinkFree
  1. In the web application, view the file. You can also open it in the file browser view.

  2. Choose Edit.

  3. Edit the file in the web application.

To join a live collaborative session

You can join another user in a live collaborative editing session to edit an Office file using Hancom ThinkFree.

  1. In the web application, view the file. You can also open it in the file browser view.

  2. Choose Live edit.

  3. Edit the file in the web application with the other users.