Adding a group - Amazon WorkMail

Adding a group

You can add groups from the Amazon WorkMail console.

To add a group
  1. Open the Amazon WorkMail console at

    If necessary, change the AWS Region In the bar at the top of the console window, open the Select a Region list and choose a Region. For more information, see Regions and endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Organizations, then choose the name of your organization.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Groups, and then choose Add group.

    The Add group page appears.

  4. Under Group name, enter a name for the group.

  5. Under Email address, enter the primary email address for the group.

  6. Verify the group's email address, update as required.

  7. By default, the group is displayed in the global address list. To hide the group from the global address list, clear the Show in global address list check box.

  8. Choose Add group.