Monitoring Amazon WorkMail email event logs - Amazon WorkMail

Monitoring Amazon WorkMail email event logs

When you turn on email event logging for your Amazon WorkMail organization, Amazon WorkMail logs email events with CloudWatch. For more information about turning on email event logging, see Enabling email event logging.

The following tables describe the events that Amazon WorkMail logs with CloudWatch, when the events are transmitted, and what the event fields contain.


This event is logged when your Amazon WorkMail organization receives an email message.

Field Description


The intended recipients of the message.


The email address of the user who sent the email message on behalf of another user. This field is set only when an email is sent on behalf of another user.


The From address, which is usually the email address of the user who sent the message. If the user sent the message as another user or on behalf of another user, this field returns the email address of the user on whose behalf the email was sent, not the email address of the actual sender.


The email message subject.


The SMTP message ID.


Indicates whether the message is marked as spam by Amazon SES. For more information, see Contents of Notifications for Amazon SES Email Receiving in the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide.


Indicates whether the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) check passed. For more information, see Contents of Notifications for Amazon SES Email Receiving in the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide.


Indicates whether the Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) check passed. For more information, see Contents of Notifications for Amazon SES Email Receiving in the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide.


Appears only when the dmarcVerdict field contains "FAIL". Indicates the action to take on the email when the DMARC check fails (NONE, QUARANTINE, or REJECT). This is set by the owner of the sending email domain.


Indicates whether the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) checks passed. For more information, see Contents of Notifications for Amazon SES Email Receiving in the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide.


Indicates when the message is received.


This event is logged when a message is delivered to a mailbox in your organization. This is logged once for each mailbox to which a message is delivered, so a single ORGANIZATION_EMAIL_RECEIVED event can result in multiple MAILBOX_EMAIL_DELIVERED events.

Field Description


The mailbox to which the message is delivered.


The mailbox folder where the message is placed.


This event is logged when an incoming or outgoing message starts an email flow rule.

Field Description


The name of the rule.


The type of rule applied (INBOUND_RULE, OUTBOUND_RULE, or MAILBOX_RULE). Inbound and outbound rules apply to your Amazon WorkMail organization. Mailbox rules apply only to specified mailboxes. For more information, see Managing email flows.


Actions taken based on the rule. Different recipients of the message might have different actions, such as a bounced email or a successfully delivered email.


Intended destination folder for a Move or Copy MAILBOX_RULE.


Intended recipient of a Forward or Redirect MAILBOX_RULE.


This event is logged when Amazon WorkMail sends an email to the journaling address specified by your organization administrator. This is only transmitted if journaling is configured for your organization. For more information, see Using email journaling with Amazon WorkMail.

Field Description


The email address to which the journaling message is sent.


This event is logged when an incoming message can't be delivered to a target recipient. Emails can bounce for a number of reasons, such as a full target mailbox. The system logs this event once for each recipient that results in a bounced email. For example, if an incoming message is addressed to three recipients and two of them have full mailboxes, two INCOMING_EMAIL_BOUNCED events are logged.

Field Description


The intended recipient for which Amazon WorkMail bounced the message.


This event is logged when a user in your organization submits an email message for sending. This is logged before the message leaves Amazon WorkMail, so this event doesn't indicate whether the email is successfully delivered.

Field Description


The recipients of the message as specified by the sender. Includes all recipients on the To, CC, and BCC lines.


The email address of the user who sent the email message on behalf of another user. This field is set only when an email is sent on behalf of another user.


The From address, which is usually the email address of the user who sent the message. If the user sent the message as another user or on behalf of another user, this field returns the email address of the user on whose behalf the email was sent, not the email address of the actual sender.


The email message subject.


This event is logged when an outgoing email is successfully delivered to a target recipient. This is logged once for each successful recipient, so a single OUTGOING_EMAIL_SUBMITTED can result in multiple OUTGOING_EMAIL_SENT entries.

Field Description


The recipient of the successfully delivered email.


The email address of the user who sent the email message on behalf of another user. This field is set only when an email is sent on behalf of another user.


The From address, which is usually the email address of the user who sent the message. If the user sent the message as another user or on behalf of another user, this field returns the email address of the user on whose behalf the email was sent, not the email address of the actual sender.


The SMTP message ID.


This event is logged when an outgoing message can't be delivered to a target recipient. Emails can bounce for a number of reasons, such as a full target mailbox. The system logs a bounce for each recipient that results in a bounced email. For example, if an outgoing message is addressed to three recipients and two of them have full mailboxes, two OUTGOING_EMAIL_BOUNCED events are logged.

Field Description


The intended recipient for which the destination mail server bounced the message.


This event is logged when a DMARC policy is applied to an email sent to your organization.

Field Description
from The From address, which is usually the email address of the user who sent the message. If the user sent the message as another user or on behalf of another user, this field returns the email address of the user on whose behalf the email was sent, not the email address of the actual sender.
recipients The intended recipients of the message.
policy The applied DMARC policy, indicating the action to take on the email when the DMARC check fails (NONE, QUARANTINE, or REJECT). This is the same as the dmarcPolicy field in the ORGANIZATION_EMAIL_RECEIVED event.