Monitoring Amazon WorkMail with CloudWatch metrics - Amazon WorkMail

Monitoring Amazon WorkMail with CloudWatch metrics

You can monitor Amazon WorkMail using CloudWatch, which collects raw data and processes it into readable, near real-time metrics. The no charge metrics are stored for 15 months so that you can access historical information to see how your web application or service is performing. You can also set alarms that watch for certain thresholds, and send notifications or take actions when those thresholds are met. For more information, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

CloudWatch metrics for Amazon WorkMail

Amazon WorkMail sends the following metrics and dimension information to CloudWatch.

The AWS/WorkMail namespace includes the following metrics.

Metric Description


The number of emails received by your Amazon WorkMail organization. If one email is addressed to 10 recipients in your organization, the OrganizationEmailReceived count is one.

Units: Count


The number of emails delivered to individual mailboxes in your Amazon WorkMail organization. If one email is successfully delivered to 10 recipients in your organization, the MailboxEmailDelivered count is 10.

Units: Count


The number of incoming emails that bounced due to full mailboxes. This metric is counted for each intended recipient. For example, if one email is sent to 10 recipients in your organization, and two of the recipients have full mailboxes resulting in a bounce response, the IncomingEmailBounced count is two.

Units: Count


The number of outgoing emails that couldn't be delivered. This metric is counted for each intended recipient. For example, if one email is sent to 10 recipients, and two emails could not be delivered, the OutgoingEmailBounced count is 2.

Units: Count


The number of emails successfully sent from your Amazon WorkMail organization. This metric is counted for each recipient of a successfully sent email. For example, if 1 email is sent to 10 recipients, and the email was successfully delivered to 8 of the recipients, the OutgoingEmailSent count is 8.

Units: Count


This metric counts the number of authentication attempts. When authentication is successful, the count is 0 and when authentication is unsuccessful, the count is 1. Use the Sum statistic to monitor the amount of failed authentication attempts. Use the Sample count statistic to monitor the total number of authentication events. Use the Average statistic to monitor the ratio of failed and successful authentication events.

Units: Count


This metric counts the number of access control evaluations. When action is denied by access control, the count is 1 and when action is granted, the count is 0. Use the Sum statistic to monitor the volume of denied actions, the Sample count statistic to monitor the total number of attempted actions, and the Average statistic to monitor the ratio of allowed and denied actions.

Units: Count


This metric is counted when there's action on mailbox data. When action is denied, the count is 1 and if action is granted, the count is 0. Use the Sum statistic to monitor the volume of denied mailbox actions, the Sample count statistic to monitor the total number of attempted mailbox actions, and the Average statistic to monitor the ratio of allowed and denied actions.

Units: Count


This metric is counted for every availability provider request that Amazon WorkMail executes to retrieve calendar availability from an external source. For more information about Availability Providers, see the Amazon WorkMail Administrator Guide.