Sending email as someone else - Amazon WorkMail

Sending email as someone else

You can send email as another user or group if your administrator has granted you the Send As permission.

To send email as someone else
  1. In the Amazon WorkMail web application, on the shortcut bar, choose the mail icon.

  2. On the menu bar, choose + New item, New email.


    You can also choose the plus sign (+) on the tab bar.

  3. Under the To field, choose From.

  4. For From, enter the name of the person or group for whom you are sending the email.

  5. In the contents pane, type your message and choose Send.

The mailbox owner appears in both the From: and Sender: headers.


If you have not been granted Send As permissions for the person or group you specified in the From field, you receive an email message in your own inbox indicating that you don't have the required permissions.